Season 1 Episode 20

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Abigail was still leaning against Nat on the floor of her bathroom when the door opened and Steve came in, looking for her. A tear ran down her cheek and dripped onto the sleeping girl's long red wavy hair. "How is she?" he asked, probably consciously not to address her on the tears, and leaned against the door, which was now closed again. "I don't know, Steve," she sighed, and the very fact that she addressed him by his first name showed him how much she cared. Suddenly her breathing became heavier again and she drew her eyebrows together in pain. Steve and Natasha both responded in an instant and carried her over to her bed. "I think she's having a bad dream," the former said while Nat tucked her in and stroked her back soothingly. "I wish she would finally trust me enough to confide in me."

"Nat give her time. From what I understood from your description, she's never had anyone to care for her before. This mother role is not only new to you but just as new to her."

"Hopefully Steve I need to know what's going on with her."

"Because you care about her."

"Yes." This simple answer was so not Nat's way or she would have contradicted him or at least threatened him not to tell anyone. But all she did was agree with him. The moment between the two could have been almost beautiful, but Abigail started to move faster again and this time she even spoke. "Get away from me! Don't touch me! I'm only five!" She was getting louder and the two adults were desperately trying to wake her up. Natasha, in particular, was desperate to rid her of this nightmare because she had also experienced this kind of thing many times before. It took a while for Abigail to tear open her eyes in horror and sit upright in bed. Her just first dried up tears gathered again in her blue eyes and in them was written only one word: Fear. "What did you see?" asked Nat worriedly, stroking her shoulder. From her own experience she knew that after a good to talk often no word was spoken about the dreamed. "I was abused Nat..." sobbed Abigail clinging to her as tightly as if her whole life depended on it. And just like that, Nat also held her tightly as if Abi was her whole life, while she again ran soothingly over her back.

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