Season 5 Episode 12

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Numerous people had gathered on the dock behind the lake house to pay their last respects to Abigail and Natasha. Tony and Steve walked across the dock, closely followed by Wanda, Pietro and Pepper. The former wore a floral bandage on which was engraved Abigail's name in gold letters. The same with Natasha's name was worn by Steve, who walked right next to the millionaire. In each face one could see the sadness. No one had thought they would lose so much in the fight.  The Avengers were all there. Thor and Bruce, who was carrying the injured arm in a sling. Clint, of course, had brought his wife and children. Peter Parker and his Aunt May had come as well as Doctor Stephen Strange and Wong.

Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne stood with Hank and Janet Pym. The Guardians also paid their respects and Nebula, Quill, Drax, Rocket, Groot and Mantis stood earnestly by the side. T'Challa, Okoye, and Shuri looked out at the lake where the flowers were floating away. Bucky and Sam stood silently, and Sam put a hand on Bucky's shoulder comfortingly. A young man, whom Pepper had introduced as Harley Keener, had also come to first see Tony again and second to stand by him during this difficult time. Pepper had told Steve that Harley had played a crucial role in Tony's fight against Aldrich Killian as a young boy. And the boy had shown promise in technology even then. Maria Hill and Thaddeus Ross, the former general and secretary of state, also wanted to say goodbye to them. Carol Danvers and Nick Fury stood on the steps in front of the house with calm expressions and seemed not to be able to believe it yet, Natasha had been for Nick no less than his own daughter and even if he had never met Abigail, he knew that she must be a good person. Not many people managed to gain Natasha Romanoff's trust, after all. So behind his stony mine was more than his role as authoritarian director.

As the grief community dissipated, Wanda and Clint stayed behind and continued to gaze at the two wreaths of flowers dancing on the water. Together they walked along the lake and past a tire swing. "You know, I wish there was some way I could let them know. That we won. That we succeeded," Clint said, thinking of Natasha. "She knows," Wanda replied. "They both do." Her thoughts drifted to Abigail. Just like Clint, she too had to live her life without a trusted companion by her side, whom she had lost unexpectedly. Clint put an arm around her, and she did the same, leaning against Clint and drawing comfort from their shared grief. So they stood there for a while, gazing out at the water.

There was no good humor inside either. On the contrary, Steve Rogers had crawled into the guest room in Tony's cabin and stubbornly refused to leave the room even with one foot before the new time machine was finished. In his hands dangled Natasha's ballet shoes, which he had managed to salvage from the ruins of her home with little else left. It had been important to him to salvage not only his things, but also those of Abigail and her, in order to have at least some last souvenirs. A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. Now it was time. 

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