Season 2 Episode 31

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In fact, Steve Rogers accompanied by Natasha Romanoff was sitting in a Quinjet on the way over the water to pick up their little one. They didn't talk much during the flight, mostly because Natasha's head landed on Steve's shoulder after a few minutes. She had slept little to little in the last few days, so the fact that Nat was clinging to him bothered him very little. He enjoyed the presence of his good friend and just wanted her to be okay. "She's more balanced with you, you know?" Clint's voice came from the pilot seat, startling Steve. He hadn't realized he'd been staring at the woman next to him the whole time and turned red. Surprised and not quite comprehending, he frowned. "So far only Abigail has managed to open up her soft side while others have been at it but now you are doing the same. I like that," Clint explained further when he noticed his questioning face through the rearview mirror.

Undecided what to answer, he looked over at his partner once more. Her red short curls lay gently on her shoulder, while a strand of hair had slipped into her face. Carefully he stroked it behind her ear, longing for her green glowing eyes to show up. At that moment, he wasn't even aware of what he was actually doing. "But if you hurt her, that's it. She's my best friend, after all, and it's my duty to protect her from men like you. Not that she needed any help but I still will hurt you if you break her heart," Clint continued, actually managing to confuse poor Steve even more than before. Had Clint just given him permission to go out with his best friend? No way. There was nothing but pure friendship between Nat and him, was there? He wouldn't be exaggerating if he claimed that no one knew him as well as Natasha did. Maybe she was the only person who really knew all his facets. She was the person who went through thick and thin with him. Not even Peggy did.

It was a special and comforting feeling to have a person like her in his life. No words in the world could describe how strong the bond was between the two of them. And if one thing came closest it was probably l-.

A jolt rippled through the shuttle, jolting not only Steve from his thoughts but Natasha from her slumber as well. The raft appeared below them and Clint set down for landing. When he heard what had happened, he didn't hesitate for a minute and came back to the headquarters. However, he was not allowed to accompany them inside; Ross had ordered that only two of them be allowed in under the greatest security precautions. Inside everything was traded white and black and it took them an eternity to get to the bottom floor. Thaddeus led them past named felons and criminals, which made them wonder why they were locking up a young innocent woman among them. When they reached the cell, Natasha felt like her stomach was turning. Hunkered down with fear-filled, mascara-smeared, teary eyes, Abigail sat chained to the wall, not moving a bit. Both her neck and hands were in electronic restraints. Steve, who got goosebumps just as much at her miserable condition, looked for Natasha's hand to convey his support to her.

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