Season 5 Episode 19

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Tony and Bruce were just entering the now crowded room when Natasha opened her eyes. Blinded by the glare, she squinted her eyes and Steve flicked out the nightlight as he understood. "Nat," he breathed in relief, and a big smile now flashed around his previously worried face. "Hey guys," the heroine greeted her friends - her family. She looked into each face of those present and was glad to have them all back now. But between Steve and Wanda she noticed a gap. A big gap. Abigail.

"You're alive," Clint stuttered unnecessarily to her right. Of course she was alive or she wouldn't be holding his hand at that moment. "I thought we lost you," it came honestly from Tony and everyone was amazed by his sudden honesty. "I guess you won't be getting rid of me so quickly after all." There she was again. Her ironic Natasha. Clearly bruised, but always ready with a good retort.

"I'm really glad to see you, but where is Abigail?" she asked, genuinely concerned, looking around the small room as if at any moment a redhead would emerge from a corner and hug her. But no one came and much less did she get an answer. Everyone present looked glumly at the floor, just trying not to look Black Widow in the eye.

A bad feeling arose in Natasha, but she would not believe it until someone confirmed it to her. She couldn't believe it. She was not allowed to believe it. Tears fell from her eyes without the adult noticing, unable to move. Her throat tightened and her breathing became labored. Steve next to her reached for her hand, tears were in his eyes too. His eyes were a stronger statement than any words ever could. They had both lost their daughter.

The initial joy of Natasha's return was crushed by grief and eventually Bruce had to chase everyone present out of the small hospital room so she could regain her composure. Only the captain remained he would not leave his best girl alone with these raw emotions. He would never leave her again anyway. "What happened?" her broken voice rang out after a few minutes of silence, which was filled only by her sobs. "She saved us all just like you did. When we came back to our time, it didn't take long for Thanos to follow us from the past. A terrible battle ensued and only by the return, of the disappeared we managed to gain the upper hand. But the only way to get the victory was with one last snap." Natasha understood without him having to say it. Abigail had done what she had also done. She had sacrificed herself for the greater good. Only there would be no going back for her.

Steve moved closer to the bedside and lay down beside her. Wrapping an arm around her body, he pulled her close to give her much needed support. She had been waiting for him to come and tell her the truth about everything he had been through. Now she had lost her girl and in her place there was cold while the sun shone outside. It seemed too impossible to believe, but still she was gone. For her, Natasha would have given all her time, all her love and confidence, only for Abigail to rise above. But even more she would have given everything to embrace her girl once more, even if it was only for a minute. Between them it could have been perfect now, but once again something stood in the way of their happiness. Now bigger than ever. Natasha Romanoff had been through a lot and had gotten up several times only stronger, but whether she would cope so easily with the death of her found daughter was unclear to all of them.

At the same time, Wanda and Pietro were sitting on the porch in front of Tony's house, quietly supporting each other. They had both just lost their sister. But the Maximoff girl quickly realized that wasn't all that was bothering him. "You're not telling me everything," she remarked, lifting her head from his shoulder, against which she had been leaning. Her brother weighed what damage his honesty would have, but he came to the conclusion that a lie would do more harm. "Abigail had planned her death. Not like this, but she had set her mind on it." Wanda's eyes grew more than twice their original size, and startled as much as confused, she moved away from him a bit more, trying to see a joke in his eyes. But she found no irony, no sarcasm in them only pure regret. "She saw visions of the future in which Natasha, Tony and Steve would die. Abigail wanted to prevent this but failed in her attempt to save Nat. So she decided to save Tony at least."

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