Season 4 Episode 6

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He couldn't have done this to another planet. Bruce and James were not quite as enthusiastic about the idea of retrieving the stones from Thanos as the rest of the people present. The loss was still deep in their bones and they could not bear further losses. But they would never accomplish anything without risk, and this was a view Steve openly agreed with.

"Even if there is only a small chance that we can undo this ... We owe it to everyone not in this room to try," agreed
Natasha Steve agreed.

Abigail's eyes lit up brightly for a moment at the thought of Wanda finally being able to hold her sister again. Needless to say, Pietro, who was standing next to her, also seemed very taken with her suggestion.

Steve looked at the garden planet on the holographic display and took a deep breath. "Let's get this son of a bitch."

Morning had already broken as the Milano broke through the cloud cover all around. As the ship left the planet's atmosphere, the retrorockets were fired to adjust the trajectory into space. The flames emitted by the
changed color from orange to blue. Once the ship was properly aligned, the Milano set off on its journey to the Garden Planet. To Thanos.

On the flight deck, Bruce, Natasha, Abigail, Steve, Pietro, Thor, Rhodey and Nebula sat strapped into their seats while Carol and Rocket piloted the ship. Carol left the ship to explore the area, while the rest stayed behind in the ship, doomed to the agonizing task of waiting.

Natasha glanced at her tablet computer and tracked Carol's flight.

When she looked up again, she peered over at Steve and found that he had also lowered his head. However, he was
not a tablet in his hand, but something small and shiny. It looked like a compass. Inside was a photograph of a woman.

Peggy Carter as both women recognized. Abigail had had many conversations with him about her, especially lately, and originally she had thought that Steve had finally broken away from her. But he just couldn't let go of this silly thing for her. Even though Peggy hadn't been the woman he thought about for a long time, she haunted him like a shadow of the past. Quickly, Steve flipped the compass shut again as he took in the looks from those standing to his left and right.

"It will work," Natasha said softly, wanting to reassure him, her daughter and herself at the same time.
"Yes, it will. Because I wouldn't know what to do if it didn't," he replied honestly. The three of them sat in silence for a while, indulging their thoughts, until Carol reappeared at the front window.

Steve, Natasha, Abigail and Pietro entered the cabin along with Rocket.

The Guardian of the Galaxy squatted down next to the Infinity glove and turned it over. On the front of the glove were six depressions where the Infinity stones were embedded. However, there was in problem. The Infinity stones were gone.

Steve looked at the glove, looked over at Natasha and Abigil, and had to admit to himself that their plan had just gotten a lot more complicated.
had become.

"Where are they?" he wanted to know from Thanos, whom Rhodey, Carol and Bruce, who was in the Hulkbuster suit, were holding. Thanos just groaned.
Photon energy surrounded Carol as she tightened her arm around Thanos' burly neck. "The universe needed a correction," he replied. "After that, there was no use for the stones beyond temptation."

While Bruce gave him an overcoat, Natasha tried to remain rational and asked the only question of Possessions. "Where are the stones?"

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