Season 3 Episode 34

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The last day had dawned. In the last weeks Daisy and Abigail had trained hard and fortunately it could be said that younger was now technically stable. There had been no uncontrolled outbursts, nor had she used her anger to create any fire at all. So a success on full line. But now the time had come and the S.H.I.E.L.D team had to say goodbye to the four Avengers. Of course Daisy would check in on them from time to time as a control, but she too had duties to perform now that fifty percent of humanity was gone. "Promise me you'll stop by. I can't lose another friend," Abigail whispered in Johnson's ear as the two women gave each other a long goodbye hug. "You won't. I'll come by your house as often as I can," she assured, hugging her newfound best friend. Their friendship had formed and strengthened in a very short time, and even though nothing would come as close to a sister for Abigail as Wanda had been, Daisy was fulfilling for her in a whole new way.

"You watch Phil for me, I can't take any more bad news," Natasha ordered when it was her moment to say goodbye to Melinda May. These two also shared a special bond, which, however, unlike the new generation, went back years. "Believe me, I can't do that anymore either. Actually, nothing can happen to him anymore, but I'll still take care of him," May assured and looked up at the director, who was talking to Steve at the moment. Excited as the first day, Coulson shook Captain America's hand, but he took heart and gave his big fan one last hug. "Take care Phil, and take good care of the kids," the elder joked but still looked knowingly over at Jemma, Leo and Daisy. "And you take good care of your two girls for me, too," the S.H.I.E.L.D. shield replied, patting him on the back. It was unnecessary of him to lens over to Natasha and Abigail to make Rogers aware of who was meant by that innuendo. "They're the closest thing-" "To a family," they both finished Steve's started sentence, looking like two fathers of an extended family they've always had. In truth, it looked quite different. Half of humanity had lost that family a few days ago, and both would do anything to protect the rest of the family they had gained. They would sacrifice themselves for every single member, there was no question about that.

"Take care of your girlfriend for me," Fitz ordered, patting Pietro on the shoulder. "Oh no she's not my girlfriend. Just a good friend" Leo raised his eyebrows and eyed Jemma from a distance as she just said goodbye to Abigail with a hug. "Does she know this too?" he inquired suspiciously, frowning.

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