Season 3 Episode 4

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"Arrest them," Ross ordered before James nodded and ended the transmission. "Yeah right. You're under arrest," he joked, smiling. "Good to see you guys. Steve and Rhodes shook hands before he hugged first Natasha and then Abigail. "Good to have you back, our Nat here was almost going crazy with worry," he whispered in her ear but the other two heard it anyway and laughed. It was true, but Natasha had only shown this extreme concern in front of Steve and Tony. Rhodey, on the other hand, joked about it, but he didn't realize that there was more to it. "Wow, you guys look pretty banged up. Seems like it's been a rough couple of years."

"Well, the hotels weren't exactly five stars," Sam replied, causing them to at least grin. "I think you guys look stunning," suddenly came from the direction behind them. There stood Bruce Banner, walking uncertainly toward the arrivals, who didn't quite know how to react to his sudden arrival. "Yes I'm back." Actually, it was also up to only one person to react, because after her failed search, which as we know was immediately interrupted again by Abigail's arrest, she had stopped trying and had begun to resign herself to his decision. Occasionally, she had even mused about the conversation with Novanoff about her designation with Steve, but then had dismissed that idea faster than she had even thought about it. If only she'd known that Steve had been mulling it over, too. "Hey Bruce," Nat muttered, forcing a tortured smile, the pain still running deep. "Nat." From behind, Abigail snapped at Sam's words, "That's totally weird," and secretly she totally agreed with him there.

For a short time to prepare and rest for the upcoming fight, everyone was sent back to their old rooms. But Abigail couldn't just lie down now and twiddle her thumbs while Tony was out there somewhere in danger. Let alone sleep. So she went to the training facility to work out. Punch after punch, she moved the punching bag, but she could barely see it in its form in front of her. Again the flashbacks came back. Although this time they were not about Danny's death, but about her time in the Red Room.

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