Season 2 Episode 2

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Abigail was back in her bed a little later, staring at the ceiling. According to Natasha, no one had changed anything in the room, and even Tony, from whom she most expected it, had made no move to use the room for anything else. Natasha came over to her and watched her from the doorway. "Are you glad to be back in your room?" Abigail sighed and straightened up in her bed. "I guess," she mumbled and Natasha sat down next to her on the bed. "You know... Tony's pretty pissed about you turning down his party. He'll probably throw it anyway, though, since we know him." Abi shrugged and looked down at the floor. "Well," she just mumbled again, and Nat's attempt to lighten the mood a bit went completely wrong. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine..." she only replied, brushing her placed hand away. Now it was Nat's turn to sigh. Three years, they were both older now, but still Abigail couldn't be honest with her. And that fact hit her harder than it did then. "Please... talk to me." Abigail stood up and exhaled audibly. "What the hell do you want me to say? Huh?" She exclaimed in an uplifting tone, gesturing around with her hands to make Natasha understand her situation. Yes she was glad to be back, yes she had missed Nat, very much so. But she still couldn't trust her right away like she had three years ago. "Abigail... I..."

"You left me! You left me alone, you sent me away! How could you do that?!" she cried out in anger, tears streaming down her cheeks in anger. "Abigail... come here," Natasha whispered to calm her down and stood up. Carefully, she pulled the little one into a hug to show her that she was still there for her and always would be. It was a mystery to her why she felt so worthless when she alone had all the Avengers who were there for her. But who was she to judge, after all she was the one who would do anything to make up for her past. Still angry, she tried to break free from her grip. She wanted to scream and to be alone, but Nat wouldn't let her go. "I'm so... Sorry, Abigail..." Still trapped in the embrace, Abigail sank to her knees and began to sob. All her walls, which she had built up over the past three years, piled up and collapsed. All the emotions she had held back crashed in on her and overwhelmed her, in one fell the anger was forgotten and gave way to pain. "I'm just so... tired, I couldn't sleep, not there," she brought out through tears and clutched Nat tighter. She was better off at the orphanage than with her parents for the year, but the nightmares had only gotten worse after she left and she barely managed to sleep through a night at all. "I promise you, you'll be safe here." And this promise, she swore to herself, she would keep until she died.

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