Season 3 Episode 32

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A final mix of red and purple energy swept across the property, catapulting the entire team to the ground. "Is everyone okay?" shouted Phil, rushing over to Daisy to check on her. Natasha was also up and running toward Abigail. The little one had been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours. "How are you?" she inquired of her redhead, helping her up. A little wobbly on her feet, she nearly toppled over in the back but Steve was there in time to prop her up. "My head is throbbing like it's going to burst at any moment but otherwise I can't complain," Abigail assured her, putting on a reassuring smile. Everyone present was aware that she was just downplaying it so as not to alarm anyone. "Fitz and I will take a look at her right now, just to make sure, of course," Jemma casually suggested and received a nod from the Black Widow. "It's nothing really, we'd better worry about where that weird witch disappeared to," Abigail noted, staggering over to where Agatha had been lying just a few minutes ago. "Is she dead?" asked Kora in surprise, joining them. "No I don't think so. She must have managed to escape," Fitz replied and the rest agreed with a nod.

The team trotted back inside and Fitzsimmons immediately look at the wounds. "Your physical stats are in good so far. You just need to take it easy for the next little while," Jemma announced to her redheaded patient, removing all connected electrical devices before helping her up. "But I need to keep training with Daisy or I'll never be able to handle them," Abigail protested, jumping up from the bed. "You need to be able to give your body at least a few days rest," Fitz explained. At that moment, Natasha entered the room to escort her little one to her room. "Leopold is right, you rest for now."

It was already getting late and Romanoff was just putting the blanket over the small body of her foster daughter. "You know what sucks more than anything?" Abigail asked suddenly, staring up at the ceiling. "Tell me." Natasha sat down next to her on the bed and stroked her leg through the blanket. "They're my friends, and I love them - well, I loved them." Abi faltered and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "What if you die and I'm still here?" She had talked about Danny, Wanda, and everyone she had lost, but her fear had long left. Agatha's words hunted her more than she wanted to admit. "Wherever she goes, death follows." She didn't want it to hit Natasha someday. "Then you'll be all grown up, and you won't need me." Quickly, Abigail shook her head and reached for Nat's hand. "I think I'll always need you."

A waterfall of tears now released from her blue eyes and she scrambled out of her covers and into Natasha's arms. The Black Widow was at a loss for words and all she could do was give her daughter the warmest hug she could give. 

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