Season 1 Episode 34

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"You haven't returned my calls, I just need to talk to you," Natasha replied, trying to ignore the painful fact of her coldness in her voice. Were they so strangers again? "Nat, you can't be here," she whispered in a panic, glancing steadily behind her. Now she was using her nickname again, but Natasha didn't know if it was simply because she was apparently too excited to notice. Turning around she caught Abigail's other half of her face and with shock something in it caught her eye, "What happened to your eye?" Her eye was covered in blue and purple gashes and from what she could tell, a fresh red bleeding gash ran just along her eye as well. Just a few inches to the left and she might have lost her one sight. Before Abigail could answer, a man shouted some words in Russian. Natasha couldn't quite understand him acoustically, but he was probably asking who was at the door. Knowing full well that Nat could understand him, Abigail closed the door a bit again. "NOTHING, go - now!" she breathed in an urgent voice, closing the door completely. Even from outside, Natasha could hear shouting and the clanking of breaking dishes. The memory of their conversation in the park rushed before her inner eye '...They fought a lot.... And my father used to beat me, he called it discipline.' Panicking, she pushed the door knob, but the door was locked. Inside, her father was throwing plates in her direction, but since he was drunk, Abigail managed to dodge them. But as he got closer and closer to her, she backed up to the wall and crouched down - she was in trouble now. At just the right moment, Natasha managed to open the door and rushed into the room. "Abigail!!! Are you okay?" she shouted, putting her head between her hands. A plate must have hit her after all, because blood was now running down her forehead to her cheeks, where it mixed with her tears. "Where did he go?" asked Natasha in a panic as she turned to the injured woman's father. But he was nowhere to be seen. "He... he went... Out the back," she stuttered softly before falling over in Nat's arms and lying unconscious. With one hand under her head to support it, she tried to call an ambulance with the other. "You're going to be okay..." she whispered as the familiar beeping sounded in her ear. The ambulance was on its way and she now quickly dialed a number that by now she knew by heart even in her sleep. "Steve! Abigail's hurt, meet me at the hospital."

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