Season 5 Episode 14

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"You know, if you want, I'll go with you," Sam offered. The friends looked at each other while Bruce flipped several switches on the control unit. "You're a good man, Sam. This is the only thing I'm doing alone," Steve declared, intending to face his past and his future. Bucky stepped up to Steve. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back," Steve teased him, having to think of Bucky's words at the farewell all those years ago when Bucky had left New York to go to World War II, Bucky remembered it well too and had to laugh. "Don't worry about it. Been a long time with the silliness." The two men hugged and Steve walked to the platform. "Gonna miss you, buddy," Bucky said, eyeing his friend intently. He knew Steve better than most and this struck him as suspicious. As if his wartime friend had another agenda. And this he did. Steve returned his oldest friend's gaze. "'It's going to be all right, Buck." He believed that, too. What he was about to do was the right thing. "You ready to go, Cap? All right, I'll meet you back here, okay?"

"You got it." Steve was confident while Bruce activated the quantum tunnel. "Into the quantum realm ! Three ... two ... One!"

Somewhere in another time, Steve Rogers landed on Vormir's planet after five previous jumps. He had saved it for last. If it didn't work, he wanted her with him in the form of the stone at least for his adventure. With slow steps he began to climb the mountain and prepared himself mentally for all eventualities which could happen.

"Steven, son of Sarah..." Every nerve in Steve's back tensed. He knew that voice. It haunted him sometimes in his nightmares ever since the war had ended. Steve turned, hands clenched into fists in front of his chest, ready to fight. Red Skull, at least Steve thought he had to be, hovered a foot above the ground. The wind swirled his long coat in all directions as he said, "So we meet again Captain America....." Steve gasped in amazement. It was actually him "And you're supposed to be dead." Red Skull did not respond. "I am dead. I'm not the one you knew. I am a reincarnation of what I used to be. Once I held an Infinity Stone in my hand and a curse hit me. The curse of leading others to the treasure I could never reach myself." 

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