Season 1 Episode 4

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"Told you you should have run," Tony said with a laugh as Abigail struggled to stand up without showing pain.

"Very funny," she commented through clenched teeth.

Some time passed before Tony disappeared for a short time and a little later stormed back into the living room with a serious face, "We have a deployment alert. Loki is in Stuttgart, whatever he's up to, we have to stop him. Nat, you stay here and keep an eye on Miss Rebellious," he immediately ordered in a tone that brooked no argument.

But Natasha wouldn't be Natasha if she didn't have something to say, "I'm busy, Tony. I'm not watching her."

"Then take her with you," he suggested simply, and disappeared along with Steve and Bruce.

"That's all right, kid, I'm busy. Leave me alone and I won't bother you.... easy!"

"It's okay, it's okay," Abigail replied angrily. Natasha left the room, leaving Abigail alone. It didn't take long for her to get bored, though, so she decided to take a closer look around Stark Tower. By chance, she stumbled into Tony's lab and curiously explored all of his equipment. A little too aggressively, the seventeen-year-old grabbed a glove, which immediately sent her hurtling into the nearest wall. Seconds later, startled by the scream and noise, Nat came rushing into the lab to find Abigail lying on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing?" exclaimed Natasha sourly, but there was also a hint of renewed concern in her voice.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Abigail whined, rolling back and forth on the floor to counteract the pain.

"Yeah, I really don't care," Nat assured her, while her eyes spoke a different language, though.

"Since you can't be trusted alone, you can go sit in the office," Natasha ordered her and they both went on their way while leaving behind a half-destroyed lab. There was going to be a lot more trouble.

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