Season 3 Episode 35

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"Of course she knows that. Abigail has been like a sister to Wanda, and so, in a way, to me. She feels nothing else for me," the Sokovian assured, crossing his arms while risking a glance at the redhead himself. A relationship with the girl who constantly reminded him of his lost sister was impossible for him. He was glad to at least still have her as the closest thing to a sister and wouldn't risk it because of non-existent feelings. "If you say so."

A few tears flowed as the final hugs were exchanged and the four visitors looked down from their ramp for the last time at the team including Daisy, Phil, Melinda, Jemma, Leo, Kora and Elena. Until the ramp went up, they all waved to their old but also new found friends, not knowing when and if they would ever see each other again. The prophecy had held true. The S.H.I.E.L.D. team had never been completely together in the same room since their last mission, so who told the Avengers that they might not see some of them again? They were on their way home, yet it felt like they were leaving a part of this home behind. Because this home was not a place everyone contributed to. This is their base, their favorite place, their beginning and end of each day.

For Abigail, too. She had already lost so much in her life. From her birth parents, to her childhood, her first love, and her sister. Yet the Avengers, especially Natasha, had managed to give her a home, a place where she could feel safe. It is their triumph and glory that these walls tell stories as they absorb everything they do and say. In a life where she thought she would never be accepted, loved or embraced, it all started with a simple robbery that would change everything for the better. This is her place.

Just because she was on fire didn't mean she was going to die from it. She had gotten up over and over again until it finally paid off. Every corner stocked with items she had chosen with care. Did she ever worry that it would be ruined. Hourly. And did it make her cry? Daily. Did she get by with it? Because she had to.

But where there is a desire for security, there is a fire. Where there's a fire, someone is destined to get burned. But pain only makes you stronger. From scented candles to fixtures and handles, the atmosphere is just right to share. She searched for a trail to follow again and it brought her back to the night they met.

Near or far, wherever they were, wherever they stayed, they lived and learned, but always returned. This is the place they called home.

———The End ———

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