Season 2 Episode 15

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When the argument settled, the Avengers headed to the African coast to stop Ultron's attempts to get Vibranium at a scrapyard. The small personal altercation between Stark and Novanoff, while not yet resolved, was postponed indefinitely. When they arrived, Ultron was already in possession of the strongest metal and Wanda and Pietro were also in his company. While Natasha and Clint kept to the shadows, Danny, Steve, Thor, Tony and Abigail met them on a steel bridge. "Still you two can get out of here," the captain suggested to the twins, who, however, only showed disdain for the five of them. "Oh we will." Abigail stepped forward, after all she had already met the brown haired one in battle, "I know you suffered, so did I but revenge is never the way." Instead of a reaction from the two, Ultron laughed mischievously, "Where did you get that little one? Isn't she too young to be one of your toys." Tony pushed the upset redhead behind him to prevent a freak-out as well as a debauched discussion. "Give it a rest, Kid."

Just in time, Ultron shot a beam at the spot where Abi had been standing a few seconds ago, thus hitting Tony, who was hurled against the nearest wall. A wild fight broke out between all the factions. Originally, Abigail's mission had been to stay with Tony, as it had been the case in the last mission, but he had disappeared with Ultron since the beginning, so the little one fought the robots on her own until Natasha called for her through the communication system. "Hello Abigail! Little help over here." Not really needed the Black Widow help, she had everything under control but she didn't like the idea of letting her little one fight alone with her powers while she wasn't able to control them enough yet. "I'm on it," she shouted back and stormed towards the opponents with fire lit hands, taking them out one by one with lightning speed. "Ha easy," she laughed proudly. "Good job," Nat also praised her however the joy didn't last long. "Thank you-" A sharp pain in her leg interrupted her and made her fall to the ground. A bullet hole opened up in her leg "OW! Shit," Abigail cursed and shot one last fireball towards the shooter. "Abigail! Are you okay?" yelled Romanoff frantically, fighting her way clear to the redhead kneeling on the ground. "I'm fine, I'm fine," moaned addressed painfully, clutching her bleeding leg. "No, you're not!" Straining, she applied pressure to her leg to keep the blood from gushing out unimpeded. "Let's get you back to the Quinjet." It was not to come to that, however, as Wanda emerged from the dark corners and manipulated the minds of the two.

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