Season 2 Episode 7

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"It never is," he sighed and his green eyes met her blue ones. "No really I've just been busy," she said not entirely honestly and this didn't take a trained spy to figure out. "Abi, you haven't even answered Natasha, or even Steve. You can't tell me you just didn't have time," he voiced his suspicions and he wasn't off the mark one bit. "Okay yeah, I've been avoiding you guys. When you've spent your life feeling unloved and then the one person who finally gives you that long-awaited motherly love and affection gives you away, it can throw you off." Danny nodded in agreement and looked back up at the New York skyline. "She still loves you and never stopped. When you were taken away, she was devastated and not like herself at all. No one could get through to her and it wasn't until she went to Washington DC with Cap that she let anyone get close to her again. She hasn't been as happy as she was the last few days for a long time," he told her honestly and it took a lot of time and imagination for her to imagine how Natasha should have felt because of her. And immediately she regretted not getting in touch. "I'm sorry," she breathed, looking up at the sky again, too. "We've all missed you. Welcome home," with that he disappeared back inside, leaving Abigail alone outside. But she didn't stay alone for long. Soon Tony joined her outside and stood next to her, just as Danny had been standing just a few minutes ago. "Hey Kid," he began, waiting until she looked to him. When she did, he breathed an audible sigh of relief and got down to business rather quickly. "I'm really glad you're back. When you disappeared back then, I actually wanted to ask you this. But I think now is an even better time. We want to continue to study your powers, help you control them, and have you join us." Abigail needed a moment to grasp the magnitude of his words before she answered.

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