Season 1 Episode 14

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The next morning, Abigail was sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when Natasha entered the kitchen. "Hey Abigail, I have some good news for you." Abi lifted her head and looked at her questioningly, "Okay? What is it?" Nat smiled, knowing the surprise probably wouldn't go over too well with her. "You're going to school tomorrow." Abigail choked on her breakfast and looked at her incredulously. Could she really be serious? After all she had confided in her yesterday, Nat was now going to send her to school. Even though she hadn't told her the whole truth at all. "Where am I supposed to go now?" she coughed, tapping her chest to steady herself again. "You heard me," Natasha laughed, amused. "No, no, no, we have very different ideas of 'good news,'" she snarked back upset by the amusement in Nat's voice. "Come on, you can do it," she encouraged the bitter redhead. "But what if I... lose control of my powers." With that, she probably addressed a point that Natasha had been wondering about as well, and probably hadn't found an answer. "Has that ever happened to you?" she asked carefully so as not to hit a wound spot too hard. "Only once and it was horrible," she admitted, lowering her head. In that accident she had killed seven people and wounded ten. Even though it had possibly saved her life at the time, it had cost some that very life. "Please, I don't want to go," she pleaded but she was already aware that she had lost this discussion before it even really began. "You will," Nat replied compassionately, carefully placing a hand reassuringly on her shoulder.

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