Chapter 2- Michael?

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(Y/n)'s pov

Later, I was home again, I had returned to my apartment, the same one I had lived in when I met William.


I couldn't deny it, the meeting with the man had shake my feelings, but not in a good way, it felt like everything was about to repeat itself. Deep down I was afraid he would try to kill me again, after all I had already gone through this with Bryan two years before and then with William.

The entrepreneur's voice didn't leave my mind

"Since you're back, we could meet another day, I believe we still have a lot to talk about, my little bunny."

I didn't have anything else to talk to him about, but we were in the same town and we could meet at any time since Hurricane was a small town.

I thought about packing up my things again and looking for a new place to live, but my parents still lived in Hurricane and wanted me to come back and be close to them. They still didn't know about the events of the previous year and I didn't intend to talk about it with my parents... at least not right now.

It was then that I heard a knock on my door, my heart pounded, I thought it was William. Would he go so far as to look for me at my house? I thought for a moment and decided to ignore the knocks, but they came back more insistent.

"(Y / n)" a male voice spoke on the other side "It's me, Michael... I know you're there... I need you..." There was a tearful air in his voice.

"Michael?" I muttered to myself, already walking towards the door.

I opened for the boy, Michael had grown a lot and was already taller than me, his face was even more like his father's. I soon noticed that he seemed to be in shock and I was already asking.

"What happened, Mike?"

Michael hugged me tightly and responded.

"It's Uncle Henry..."

"What happened to him?"

"He's dead... "Michael buried his face in my shoulder and started sobbing loudly.

I patted his back the way a mother would and asked.

"How so? Dead?"

"Yes... there's a robot, a knife and a lot of blood..." He seemed to be having trouble thinking and speaking.

"Did you call someone?"

Michael nodded without taking his face off my shoulder.

"Aunt Jen is there... I don't want to go back to my father's house... Please (Y/n)..."

I didn't understand what was happening exactly, so I said

"Calm down, Mike... shh... I'm here, come on, let's go in."

I took him inside the apartment and the teenager sat on the couch, he was downcast and his gaze seemed far away.

I sat down next to him, still stroking his back and asked.

"Want some tea? Or a glass of water?"

Michael shook his head and I asked.

"What happened, Mike?"

The boy sighed heavily, and proceeded to explain to me that he had been living at Henry's house for about a year, ever since the pizzeria accident involving Christopher. William never sought him out again, and Michael knew the man blamed him for his younger brother's death.

"When I got home from school, I found him lying on the floor with a lot of blood around him...There was a robot that looked unfinished, and it was holding a knife... I tried to help Uncle Henry, but I realized it was too late, I called Jen and she'll stay with Charlie...But I have nowhere to stay, I don't want to go back to my father's house" The boy concluded.

I pulled him in for another hug and said.

"It's okay, Mike. You can stay here."

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