Chapter 14- I still love you

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~(Y/n)'s pov

A few hours later, it was already getting dark and I was still in the company of William and his daughter Elizabeth. The little girl had fallen asleep after hours of playing on the playground, and the man carried her in his arms as we walked.

"Well, (Y/n), what did you think of our afternoon?"

"It was kind of fun."I spoke in a distracted way, while looking at the other people who were still sitting on the grass or just walking in the park.

William nodded and suggested.

"We could do this more often" I looked at him in surprise and the man continued. "After all, we're both single and unimpeded."

I didn't answer, deep down I felt bad for having spent that afternoon with William, things shouldn't have happened that way... I was also thinking about Mike, the boy had stayed at my apartment and he was certainly worried about me.

William then asked.

"Are you by car?"

I shook my head.

"I came walking... I wanted to think a little, you know?"

"Of course," He nodded sympathetically and then asked, "Want a ride?"

I looked at him again.

"I don't know, William... I mean..."

The man interrupted me.

"Shh... calm down, my little bunny. It's just a ride. I insist."

"Okay." I replied softly, I still felt a little uncomfortable in the presence

We walked to his car, which was not far from there.

William placed Elizabeth carefully in the backseat. The girl grunted a little at the sudden movement.

"Shh... We're going home, Lizzie." said the man.

So he got into the car and looked at me with a smile.

"I loved spending this day with you, (Y/n). Like I said, I still love you."

Again I was speechless. A shiver ran down my spine, William was a murderer! And I was there, beside the man who had killed several people without any remorse.

Before starting the car, he walked over to me and placed one last kiss close to my lips.

"Everything is okay, (Y/n)."

So we left towards my apartment.

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