Chapter 81- William, we need to talk

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william's pov

 After breakfast, Mike went out with his friends and Elizabeth decided to go play in the backyard.  (Y/n) and I stayed in the kitchen for a while longer.  She was still finishing her coffee mug while I was washing the dishes.

 The young woman let out a long sigh and I asked without taking my eyes off the stream of water falling over the plates.

 "What happened, my little bunny?"

 She took a moment to respond.

 "William, we need to talk…"

 I arched an eyebrow and turned to my fiancee who continued.

 "I've been thinking a lot about our relationship, you know?"

 At that moment, I left the dishes in the sink and approached the woman and sat in a chair opposite her.

 "What do you mean by that, my little bunny?  You don't want to marry me anymore?" I asked with a fixed gaze on the girl.

 (Y/n) took a sip of her coffee and let out another sigh.

 "Not quite, Will… I mean…" She seemed to be choosing the right words " I'm a little confused…That explanation of yours earlier made me scared, you know?"

 I shook my head and spoke in an understanding tone.

 "Of course, I understand… I think it was too much information."

 She shook her head in denial.

 "No, Will… I noticed that you didn't regret killing those children.  And does that worry me, or have you forgotten that we now have kids together?"

 There was something in (Y/n)'s tone of voice that irritated me, she was speaking in the same provocative way Clara used to use before our fights.

 I sighed, trying to control myself, I didn't want to fight with (Y/n), not right now.

 "No, (Y/n), I didn't forget…" I got up, rubbing my temple, irritated and without being able to hold myself back, I said "You know, (Y/n).  I thought I could trust you, I thought I could tell you about my research and what you would like to hear about it.  I figured the fact that we could see these damn souls would somehow unite us, but no.  You need to treat me like I'm a heartless monster, and I've never failed to treat you right.  I even forgave the fact that you cheated on me with Henry!" (Y/n)'s mouth opened as if she wanted to say something, however, she remained silent  "Did I forgive everything you did to me, or did you forget what you did to me that night?  Now we have kids and the least I hope is a little understanding on your part.  At least admire what I did.  Thanks to that we had our children!" I leaned my body over the table, holding myself with one hand and rubbed my face with the other hand, already exhausted with all that.  (Y/n) stared at me.

 "William… What are you talking about?  I never cheated on you with Henry…"

 "No?  So Elizabeth lied when she told me that you and he were kissing?"

 The girl's eyes widened for a moment and then she looked away and admitted.

 "No… She didn't lie… It really happened, but William, he was the one who kissed me…" I made a sign with my hand for her to stop talking.

 "That's enough." She stopped and I let go  "Listen, (Y/n), I know that maybe things happened too fast between us… I don't want to fight… I don't want to lose you again either… Henry is dead anyway, it would be a waste of time to argue about it."

 I sat back in the chair and spoke with a sigh.

 "(Y/n), I already told you that I won't commit any more crimes, I'm really trying to change.  I'll also get rid of Spring Bonnie, as you asked, okay?" I really didn't want to lose her, so I'd have to end that discussion right there.

 (Y/n) then said.

 "Okay…" She paused " I'll give you a chance, but it will be the last one.  If you don't change, I'll take the kids and leave and I don't want you to look for me ever again.  I won't let anything happen to them."

 The girl's words were cold and decisive.  I knew she would be able to take Elizabeth and Michael with her and I couldn't let that happen, so I replied.

 "Okay, so we have a deal."

 I held out my hand to her, expecting (Y/n) to shake it, but the young woman just crossed her arms and stared at me with an irritated gaze.

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