Chapter 24- A body in the vent

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william's pov
 I arrived at the pizzeria around eight-thirty in the morning, I had dropped Elizabeth off at school before going to work, I parked the car in front of my restaurant and was soon greeted by Jacob, one of the cooks at the place.  He walked quickly to my car and said.
 "Mr.  Afton, we have a problem…"
 "What happened?:
 "I don't know how to explain… I need you to come and see."
 "Okay… I hope the kitchen isn't on fire" I said with a little smile.
 "No, no…"
 I followed him inside the pizzeria, Jacob led me to a corner where one of the ventilation ducts was exposed.
 "I think there's something in there." He said, indicating a dark stain from where a red liquid dripped directly onto the carpet.  "Maybe some animal got stuck…"
 I didn't respond to the little man's comment, I looked at the floor, I knew what it was, the metallic smell of blood filled the air.
 "Jacob, get a ladder and a flashlight, I'll take a look at it."
 A few minutes later, he came back with things.
 "Mr.  Afton, do you think it might be some dangerous animal?"
 "What?" I shook my head, already positioning the ladder under the ventilation outlet "No, whatever it is is already dead, look at the amount of blood on the floor."
 Jacob lowered his head and nodded apprehensively.
 I took off my jacket and handed it to the cook before going upstairs.
 Inside the ventilation the smell of blood was even stronger, I turned on the flashlight and when I lit it a little, I noticed a mass a few meters away, I still couldn't see exactly what it was, so I turned to Jacob, who was watching me with wide eyes. .
 "I'll have to go inside to see better."
 "But Mr. Afton…"
 Before he could say anything, I took another step and pushed my body into the narrow passage.  I crawled a little, the smell became stronger and stronger, that's when the flashlight illuminated a face, the eyes were wide and the mouth open, then I recognized Connor's face, he was dead before my eyes, I couldn't contain a little smile out of the corner of my mouth, I wasn't planning to kill him, but my robots did the job on their own.  Again my way was clear to approach (Y/n), I would return to her life, even if it took a while.
 "Mr.  Afton?  What's in there?" I heard Jacob's voice a little muffled by the metal of the ventilation duct, I crawled back and said.
 "Jacob, I need you to call the police, okay?"
 He nodded nervously, his face was pale, but the man asked no more questions.
 A few minutes later, the police arrived.  I quickly explained the situation and guided them to the duct.
 As soon as the body was removed, the employees who were at the pizzeria at that time gathered in a corner and were whispering, I walked to the group and calmed them down.
 "Guys, don't worry…" I ran my hand through my hair, looking for the right words "What happened here was an accident, the pizzeria is totally safe."
 One of the waitresses let go.
 "But Mr. Afton, how did he get inside?"
 I scratched the back of my neck.
 "Well… the police didn't say anything, but they're going to investigate.  It's really weird… But the pizzeria will be closed for a few days, so you all can go home."
 The girl nodded in agreement with my answer.
 The group soon dispersed, and the officers called me in for an interrogation, which took place in my own office.
 I explained to them that Connor was a new employee and that he was on his first night on the job, but that the guy was aware of what he was doing and that I instructed him myself just before I dropped him off at the pizzeria.  I even showed Connor's hiring documents.  They asked if there was footage of the pizzeria's internal circuit, I said yes and gave them only the images of the restaurant's upstairs.  They took what they needed, said goodbye and left.

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