Chapter 101- Let's celebrate

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(Y/n)'s pov

We arrived home late at night, Mike had stayed with the babies and when we opened the door we found the boy lying on the couch sleeping, next to him were Violet and Vincent's two strollers. The twins were awake but quiet, watching the TV screen. Michael had put up some drawings for the two of them, and that kept them distracted until our arrival.

William was about to wake his eldest son when I said.

"Let him rest, Will."

The man looked at me and then broke into a smile.

"Okay, let's take the babies to the room..." He promptly took Violet's stroller and went to the room, I followed him, pushing Vincent's stroller.

As soon as our kids were asleep, we went straight to the bedroom. William took off his jacket and began to loosen his tie to unbutton his shirt. The man sat on the bed and kicked off his shoes, throwing them away. He looked exhausted, but I had something on my mind...

I walked over to the man, who looked at me as I sat on his lap.

"(Y/n), my little bunny." He whispered with a mischievous smile.

I took his tie and played with the purple fabric, wrapping it around my fingers.

"You know, Will, our day was so good today, I was thinking about celebrating a little more..."

"Of course, my dear." He placed a hand on my face and we kissed intensely, our tongues touching in a kind of struggle, while our hands explored each other's bodies, neither of us wanted to give in, but we had to move away to catch the air.

I was still panting as I started to unzip William's shirt and massage his chest, running my fingers along the ridge of his scars. I liked teasing him that way, after all I knew that his skin tags were more sensitive. The man threw his head back with a sigh.

I took advantage of the position he was in to hug him and kiss his neck in several places. Then I moved away from his neck, kissing his chest and finishing taking his shirt off. In a matter of minutes we were naked and exchanging even more sensual caresses.

William was on top of me on the bed, the man just teased me, touching my breasts with his lips while one of his hands played with my vagina, making me feel pleasure.

William then pulled back a little, wiped his fingers on his mouth and said.

"My body is ready and your?

I nodded. The killer then held my legs apart and then forced his cock into me at once. I let out a groan and William smiled as he moved.

"You can moan loudly, my little bunny, I want to hear you screaming my name."

I knew I couldn't do that, after all Mike could wake up with all that noise, but William didn't seem to mind, he was moving faster and stronger, it was difficult to contain the moans and in a short time, I had already lost control over my voice, a few squeaks escaped involuntarily and made William smile in an almost sadistic way.

As William moved back and forth I felt a rush of indescribable pleasure and let out a scream at the top of my lungs.


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