Chapter 87- Wedding- part 3

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June 26, 1989

The wedding was about to begin, the guests were already anxiously awaiting the arrival of the bride and groom. (Y/n)'s friends were even more excited and anxious to see the dress the young woman wore.

Veronica, (Y/n)'s best friend from the time they worked at Freddy's, was taking care of Violet and Vincent. The babies seemed curious about everything. The children were quiet, yes. But their huge eyes were attentive to everything.

The ceremony would take place in an open field, since that afternoon was hot. The decoration consisted of some columns covered with white and purple flowers, these projected in a straight line, forming a kind of corridor. Above, attached to the columns was a thin, white, almost translucent fabric that formed a kind of tent. Everything was beautiful and somehow flashy. Some guests were already starting to calculate how much had been spent on the decoration.

"Lucky for (Y/n), she got a rich man..." One of William's guests sighed in a low voice.

"I still think he's too old for (Y/n)." Answered another, in a mocking tone.

"He might be old, but he's not dead... If you know what I mean" mocked (Y/n)'s cousin with a teasing little smile.

The hubbub was interrupted by the musicians, who began playing their instruments, signaling the arrival of William. The man had his hair neatly combed and wore an Italian-style tuxedo in a deep shade of purple with black accents, along with a matching vest, white shirt and black tie. The outfit matched his lean body, and made him look very elegant.

Close behind William was Mike, dressed in the same outfit, but in a dark gray.

William walked seriously toward the altar, keeping his gaze straight. Some guests contained expressions of surprise and even a few sighs. The businessman was actually very handsome and looked nothing like that tired-looking man who did the paperwork at his pizzeria.

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