Chapter 90- Honeymoon

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(Y/n)'s pov

Our honeymoon would be short, just a week, that's because William couldn't leave his pizzeria for so long, and also because of Elizabeth's birthday that was approaching, the girl wanted to celebrate it at Circus Baby Pizza World. But even so, a week was enough time for both of us. Of course, we would take the babies with us since they were still depending on me to feed them. During this time, Veronica would take care of Elizabeth and Mike.

We were already in William's car, he was driving smoothly down the road while we listened to music. Our destination would be Las Vegas.

The man then commented.

"(Y/n), have you ever heard that expression: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?"

I smiled, not knowing where he was going with this, and nodded.

"Yes, Will. I've heard that... I think it was in a movie."

He flashed an amused smile.

"That phrase is almost a motto, and we can use it on our honeymoon, so we can do anything we want during this week. We can even commit a crime, for example."

I looked at him and said.

"You've gone crazy, I'm not going to commit any crime."

"Don't worry, we will use false identities. I will be Dave Miller and you will be Katherine Johnson. We will be scammers in Las Vegas, what do you think?" He started laughing and I noticed it was a joke.

"William!" I started to laugh.

"Did you think I was serious?"

"For a moment yes.... Well, you know, Will, you've killed before..."

He nodded naturally.

"Yes, but as I said, it's in the past, so just relax, nobody here will commit a crime." He caressed my leg and continued "We're just going to have fun."

It was already dusk when we arrived in Las Vegas, everything there was very different from Hurricane, the buildings were much taller and many had signs with neon lights, the movement of cars was also much greater, and we were already stuck in a line of cars. It was then that a loud horn sounded right next to us, causing Violet and Vincent to freak out and start crying, both at the same time. I looked at William who looked back at me and said.

"We'll have to carry them in our arms, to the hotel..."

I shook my head, even though I knew the risks we would have to take.

"All right." So I threw myself into the backseat and picked up Violet and handed her to William, since the girl always calmed down faster when I was with him and I held Vincent while we sang a little song together. They gradually calmed down.

William continued driving with the girl in his arms, until we reached the hotel parking lot.

The man asked me to stay with the kids, while he was going to introduce himself at the reception I agreed and put the babies in their seats in the car.

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