Chapter 51- Sweet words, dirty thoughts

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~William's pov

That night I got what I wanted. (Y/n) was mine again and no one else would take her away from me!

After we had sex I stayed with the young woman in my workshop for a little longer, I carried her in my arms to the armchair, the same one where I had left her earlier. I sat with her on my lap. (Y/n) stared at me silently with wide eyes, she still looked scared.

I took her wounded wrist and stared at it for a few moments, the blood was already starting to dry in the corners of the cut, I hadn't pierced her skin deeply, just enough to leave a scar that would accompany her for the rest of her life. I placed a kiss over my initials and spoke.

"Now rest, my little bunny... " I gave one more kiss, but this time in her hand. "You know? I missed you so much, (Y/n). When you're close to me I feel complete."

The young woman remained silent, in her eyes there was an air of suspicion. I proceeded.

"I love you, (Your nickname). I think I've already told you this, but I'll say it again, I'm capable of anything for you, my love. And I won't let anyone take you away from me, ok?"

The girl didn't respond, she looked exhausted so I started stroking her hair, I loved doing it, my fingers danced free through (Y/n)'s (Hair Color) strands.

I watched as the young woman in my arms fought sleep. I couldn't help but yawn a few times, but I needed to stay awake to put the second part of my plan into action. I waited a few minutes, until I was sure that (Y/n) was really sleeping, I took her back to the metal table, where I laid her down, the furniture was long enough to accommodate the girl's sleeping body in the same way as a bed would.

Again I took my pocket knife, using it to rip all of her clothes. I left her totally naked, I watched her in that situation with a little smile. How beautiful she was! I felt when my cock got hard, I looked at my member, with a thought in mind; I would have to relieve myself somehow, but (Y/n) wasn't an option, not at that moment. She slept peacefully and if I tried to have sex with her like that, the girl would never trust anything I did or said again.

I started playing with my member as I continued to stare at the young woman before me. (Y/n) caused that kind of effect on me, I had lost count of how many times the simple fact of thinking about the young woman had led me to relieve my desires with my own hands.

As soon as I was satisfied, I cleaned up the mess with the scraps of fabric that were formerly (Y/n)'s clothes. With everything clean, I got dressed and grabbed the ropes and chains I'd bought days before. I carefully tied her legs and arms to the table, almost making it impossible for her to move, so I could have her whenever I wanted.

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