Chapter 15- I'm here, Mike

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~(Y/n)'s pov

After a few minutes William stopped his car in front of the building where I lived, he took the key out of the ignition and said.

"I follow you."

I stared at him.

"You don't have to do this, William."

"I just wanted to enjoy these last few minutes that I still have by your side." He smiled, there was a certain malice in his voice.

I left the car and the man came right behind me.

"(Y/n), I know this may sound like an insistence, but I'm doing everything I can to get you back"

"I noticed..." I muttered

We walked through the corridors of the building, side by side, but in silence. When I was about to open my apartment door I let out a deep breath.

"William, I still don't know what to do, give me some time to think..."

I put my hand on the doorknob and forced the mechanism, as soon as I opened the door, Michael came running up and hugged me tightly.

"(Y/n), I was so worried..." he whispered.

Michael was still hugging me when he noticed his father's presence, the teenager pulled away from me and questioned.

"What are you doing here?"

William took a step forward and snapped.

"Is that how you treat your father?"

I noticed the heavy atmosphere that had settled between father and son, I knew William and knew that soon the two would be fighting so I positioned myself between William and Michael and spoke, trying to calm the situation.

"Don't fight, please..."

The two stared at me in surprise. William backed away.

"Okay... I'm going... Good night, (Y/N)."

"Good night, William." I said in a cold tone and closed the door as the man walked away down the hall.

Michael looked at me and asked, visibly annoyed.

" Why did he come here?"

"Mike... your father just offered me a ride, nothing much, okay? You don't need to be like this."

He hugged me again.

"I was worried..." He muttered, looking close to tears. "You're the only person I can trust... I don't want to lose you."

"Mike..." I didn't understand the boy's sudden fear, after all he didn't know the truth about his father, or did he know? "Why were you so worried?"

"I don't trust my dad... He's not a good person, I'm afraid of what he might do to you." -He vented "I saw my father hit my mother when I was younger..."

The boy's revelation made me a little scared, would William be able to hurt me?

At that moment the image of Clara popped into my mind. She always seemed so in love with the man, but in that moment I understood, she stayed by William's side on account of the children.

Michael continued to hug me tightly, the same strength as a son hugs a mother. It was obvious, Mike missed his mother, I returned the gesture and patted his back.

"Stay calm, Mike. I am here. Everything is fine now..."

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