Chapter 78- Taking care of the babies

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(Y/n)'s pov

I had just got home, William helped me take Violet and Vincent to their room, I put the babies in their cribs and my fiancé said.

"(Y/n), do you think I'll be a good father to them?" There was an air of insecurity in William's eyes, something I wasn't used to seeing. He was always so sure of himself, but in that instant I realized that there really was something that worried him.

I finished covering the babies and walked over to William and stretched out my arm, stroking his thin face that smelled like shaving cream.

"Of course you will be a good father, Will" He looked at me with those deep blue eyes. "Why do you have doubts?"

He looked away for a second.

"Well... You know... They were my victims... Cassidy wants revenge, I know that... I never told you, but this girl has haunted me since that day... She has never left me alone since, always appearing in my dreams saying for me that I would pay for everything."

I knew he was talking about the day he committed his crimes, William hadn't gone into much detail about it with me, but at that moment I felt a strange urge to ask him about the case. As if he could read my thoughts, William spoke.

"I don't know if you've asked yourself the reason for my crimes, but, yes I had my reasons and maybe you call me crazy after knowing what those reasons were... Anyway.. I killed her and that girl made me sick at I lost a lot of weight and got older too... but now she's part of my family and I don't know if I'll be a good father to her, I don't know if Violet has any memories of what I did."

At that moment my curiosity was even more piqued, so I took courage and questioned him.

"What were your reasons, Will?"

The man raised an eyebrow in surprise, but then his expression softened.

"Well... (Y/n), I think I can show you something... Come with me."

William guided me to a room that was normally kept locked, I myself had never entered.

Before opening the door, he turned to me and said.

"I never showed any of this to anyone..." His voice disappeared and the killer opened the door and turned on the light, revealing a very messy type of office, there were boxes, papers piled up and some strange objects that I could tell for sure they were of robot parts or William's unfinished projects.

He entered the room, dodging some boxes with impressive speed, the man was certainly used to squeezing himself in the middle of that pile of objects, he promptly started rummaging through a box full of papers and notebooks that were already yellowed by time.

As William rummaged through his things for something specific, I kept to my feet, leaning against the door jamb. My eyes wandered around the small room until I noticed something creepy in the corner; there was that rabbit costume, the same one that had scarred my fiancé's body and the same one he'd used to attack me in the past. My gaze fixed on the fantasy, as if that thing could attack me at any moment.

"I think it's this one..." He said looking at one of the notebooks and with a little smile, William turned to me and soon noticed that I was staring at the yellow costume.

"(Y/n)... My little bunny" I heard his voice with a thick British accent, but I just couldn't look at my fiancé, it was like that strange bunny outfit attracted me. My mind churned with the thought that William had used that costume to kill those children, in that instant it was as if I could see them; five scared kids in the back room of the pizzeria and the yellow rabbit staring at them with a knife in its hand.

"(Y/n)!" William yelled, snapping me out of that trance.


He quickly came towards me, with a worried look on his face.

"I scared you? Are you okay?"

I nodded at him.

"I'm fine... I just didn't feel very comfortable..."

William took me by the arm and led me back to the nursery, making me sit in the armchair that was right next to the cribs.

"Do you want a glass of water?" He asked.

But before I could answer him, Violet started mumbling and soon those noises turned to crying.

William promptly took his daughter in his arms.

"Shhh... Calm down, Daddy is here" he gently shook her while caressing Violet's back, the man's hands looked really big compared to the baby. "Shh, don't cry my little bunny... You know, Violet... or Cassidy, I I don't know if you still remember that name... I think I owe you an apology for what I did, I'll try to be a good father to you and your brother" Violet calmed down slowly, almost like magic she fell asleep again.

A few seconds later Vincent started to grumble and soon his crying took over the room, William then repeated the same process, taking him in his arms and calming him down in the same way.

"Shhh, daddy is here for you too, Vinny, no need to cry" He patted the boy's back "I think I owe you an apology too, Fritz... I'll try to be a good father to both of you, okay? You don't have to be jealous of your sister."

So Vincent also calmed down. I just stared at William, astonished, not understanding how he'd done it so quickly, since I'd had a hard time calming them down while I was still in the hospital.

The man put the baby in the crib and I asked.

"How did you do it?"

William looked away.

"(Y/n)... I believe they still remember their past lives, so I just apologized, now they seem calmer than before."

I just nodded to my fiance who was smiling victoriously.

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