Chapter 42- more ideas

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William's pov

I woke up very early that morning, the sun was starting to show its first rays, I sat up in bed and looked at (Y/n). The young woman slept peacefully. I stroked her hair gently and kissed her forehead before leaving the room towards the bathroom.

I turned on the shower, took off my clothes and went to take a shower. As the water fell over my body I started to think about (Y/n)'s memory loss, she was confused and lost, she believed she was my wife, I wouldn't let that opportunity pass, I would make the young woman believe that we were married for at least two years. I would tell her the story of Clara's car accident, it would move her and maybe get closer to me, I would also tell her about Christopher's death and lie about Michael, I would make up a story saying that after his brother's death, the boy ran away and was never seen again and that the police believed that he had isolated himself somewhere to commit suicide, but that his body was never found.

She would believe me, I was sure of it, her mind was so messed up it would be easy to convince her of anything. I smiled to myself, soon I would have (Y/n) in my arms again and I wouldn't have to keep her trapped, which would be good for me, since she would be with me on her own and wouldn't be afraid to have a relationship with me.

But I needed to have a plan B in mind in case the young woman remembered everything I had done again. I would use the plan I had in mind before; keeping her trapped in my workshop would be easy, after all, only I used the room.

After a few minutes I left the shower, went to the mirror where I shaved and before leaving the room I wrapped a towel around my waist.

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