Chapter 73- Babies-part 6

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William's pov

While I was with my newborn children, the doctor who had taken care of (Y/n)'s delivery approached, she stared at me for a moment and then looked at the babies and so said.

"Mr. Afton, do you have a moment?"

As soon as she finished her question, I felt a strange shiver run down my spine. Had something bad happened to (Y/n)?

I nodded to the woman.

"Yes sure."

"Come with me."

I followed her, leaving the room and crossing that hallway, heading towards the room where (Y/n) was.

When I got to the room I had the best surprise I could have, my (Y/n) had woken up and was sitting looking at me with a huge smile. I couldn't resist and ran to her, hugging her.

"(Y/n). My little bunny, my little ( your nickname)."

She let out a laugh that was muffled by my embrace.

"Take it easy, Will." So I walked away a little.

"I was so worried... You scared me, you know?"

The young woman nodded in agreement.

"I know, but I'm fine now..." She stopped for a moment "How are our babies?" Curiosity radiated from her beautiful (Eye color) eyes.

I smiled.

"They are well. Our kids are so tiny, (Y/n), you need to see them. Vincent is just a little bigger and Violet looks like one of Elizabeth's dolls... I don't know if I'll be able to take care of two such tiny babies...."

I was gesticulating a lot, I was so excited about it all. (Y/n) seemed to be holding back laughter the entire time.

"Will, calm down, you're talking so fast." She laughed.

"I'm happy, (Y/n)."

"I know that" The young woman smiled. "I am happy too..."

At that moment she stopped talking and looked down at her hands that remained in her lap.

"Are you okay, my little bunny?"

"Yes... I mean... No... Well, I guess I owe you an apology, Will..."

I widened my eyes, not understanding anything.

"Apology? For what?"

"For having acted that way in the past..."

"What are you talking about?"

She nervously wiggled her fingers.

"You know... for having run away... I could have explained the situation to you... It wasn't at all what you imagined..." I interrupted her by placing a finger over her mouth.

"Shh, you don't need to justify yourself. Let's leave the past in the past, okay?"

(Y/n) nodded with a smile, at that moment I noticed something different in her gaze; it was that same glow that had won me over from the first time I'd seen her at one of the tables at Freddy's.

I stared at her for a moment, I wanted so badly to kiss her, but before I had a chance to try, the young woman said with an amused air

"Will, I think it's time to pick up Mike and Elizabeth from school, isn't it?"

I looked at my wristwatch. (Y/n) was right, I was late.

"You're right...I need to go...Bye, my little bunny"

"Bye, my big bunny." She replied, those words made me smile even more.

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