Chapter 46- Lies and memories

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normal pov

 Mike took his backpack and walked to his father's house, he felt that the man was related to  (Y/n)'s disappearance.  He imagined that the two had met and ended up getting together, but at the same time  the teenager felt apprehensive, because (Y/n) had not warned him about anything.

 The walk took about half an hour, as his father's house was quite far away, but as soon as Mike arrived in front of the house he could see that William's car was there.

 "My father is home" he thought, already heading towards the doorbell.  The boy pressed the button and could hear the sound echoing inside the house.

 Inside, William was still beside (Y/n) on the bed, the girl seemed to be sleeping again, when the doorbell rang.

 The man got up, looked discreetly through a small space of window and saw his son outside.  William knew that the boy was after (Y/n), even after his conversation with his son, William was afraid that the boy would convince the young woman to walk away from him.  He didn't want to risk losing her.

 The killer then left the room, locking the door to the room and heading towards the front door.  When he opened it he came face to face with his son.

 "Mike?"  William raised an eyebrow.

 The boy just said.

 "Hi Dad"

 "Did something happen? " William asked in a calm tone.

 "Well… (Y/n) disappeared…"

 The older one's eyes widened, feigning surprise.

 "Like this?  Disappeared?" His voice remained calm.

 "Yeah… I don't know exactly what happened, but she's been missing since yesterday… " The boy paused, then let go "Dad, did you see her?"

 The man shook his head and lied.

 "No, no… She asked me to not look for her again and I respected her request."

 Mike's eyes darted along the facade of the house, as if to avoid looking at his father, the teenager sighed.

 "I'm worried…"

 William nodded and comforted him.

 "It's okay, Mike.  (Y/n) is a young adult, she must have gone out with a friend, or maybe a boyfriend, soon she will reappear.  You can stay here if you want, after all I'm still your father, right?"

 Mike agreed with William and said.

 "You can be right, father...Soon she will come back…"

 So, the boy entered the house, leaving his backpack on the sofa. He looked around, it had been a long time since Michael had seen that place, he had spent his childhood there and the house reminded him of the time when he had a normal family .

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