Chapter 80- A new family?

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(Y/n)'s pov

William kept his gaze fixed on me as he smiled. His voice still echoed in my mind after his macabre explanation.

The man moved away from the armchair where I was, ran a hand through his hair and said.

"I'll prepare breakfast... Soon Lizzie and Mike will wake up and I'm sure they'll want to spend the day with their little siblings, so today we'll have a special breakfast." So he left the room.

I hugged my legs that were still shaky, that's when William's face appeared in the door and he asked.

"Do you not come? Aren't you hungry?"

I hesitated for a moment, thoughtful, but I gave in and even though I was still a little scared from what William had said, I followed him into the kitchen.

The man extended his hand indicating a chair and said.

"You don't have to worry about anything, (Y/n). I'll prepare all the food, just sit down."

I did as my fiancé had asked and he promptly began sorting out the ingredients he needed and began cooking and humming.

I was still thinking about everything the killer had said, and I noticed that deep down he didn't regret his crimes.

My mind wandered for a moment, I remembered everything that had happened in those months since my return to Hurricane.

I looked for a moment at the raised scar on my arm. It was William's initials. Looking at that mark always sent a shiver down my spine.

Yes. The man was treating me well, he was very affectionate and careful at all times, but it was impossible to forget everything he had done before, not only his crimes against those children, but also what he had done to me. William had tried to kill me, then we met again and he acted as if nothing had happened, looking for my company again. William was even able to kidnap me after running over me. It was like I couldn't get rid of him... It wasn't going to happen anytime soon; we were engaged and soon to be married. So I just had to believe in his change.

My thoughts dissipated when Elizabeth's voice screamed.

"(Y/n)! "I turned my gaze to the little girl who quickly threw herself into my arms, she looked at me with her green eyes and corrected herself "Mom, where are the babies?"

I smiled at her.

"They are in their room, do you want to see them?" The child nodded

William turned to us, still holding a bowl where he was mixing what looked like pancake batter. The man nodded with a smile, indicating for me to take Elizabeth to her siblings room.

So I set her on the floor and guided her to the bedroom.

Elizabeth quickly approached them both, getting between the cribs, looked at her sister who was sleeping peacefully and then at her brother who was also sleeping. The older girl looked at me and said softly.

"When will they be able to play?"

I approached her, and stroked her hair.

"It will still take a while, they need to grow."

She pouted and grunted.

"But that takes a long time..."

I chuckled.

"I know, Lizzie, but while they still can't play with you, I can do it."

"Really?" She widened her eyes in surprise.

"Of course, Lizzie. We can play together."

The girl was thoughtful for a moment and frowned.

"But aren't you too old to play?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the girl's question.

"Do you think that?" I asked in a defiant tone.

"Daddy always says adults don't play..." she replied, turning her gaze to Vincent as she fiddled with the edge of her brother's blanket.

"Well... Some adults don't play at all, but I do, I can play with you whenever you want."

Elizabeth wrapped her arms around my waist in a hug.

"So we can play princess?"

I smiled.

"Sure we can."

The little girl celebrated with little jumps.

Elizabeth was a very sweet girl, but she also had a difficult personality when she felt challenged, or when she was jealous of her father. I knew that, so I had more patience with the child.

At that moment William's deep voice echoed down the hall.

"(Your nickname), Lizzie, breakfast is ready."

Elizabeth started skipping towards the kitchen and I followed with a smile, Elizabeth, Michael and the babies made me feel good in that house, even in William's presence.

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