Chapter 34- You can count on me

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normal pov
 Mike's classes were over and the boy had left school with his friend Ethan, the two walked to the fast food restaurant where (Y/n) worked.  Arriving there, they sat down, then Rebecca approached and said.
 "Good afternoon, what are you going to order?" She ​​looked at Michael and recognized him, before the boys could even place their orders, she continued  "Wait a minute, you're the boy who lives with (Y/n), aren't you?"
 Mike nodded.
 "Yes, it's me. Why?"
 "Well, she didn't come to work today… Did something happen?"
 The boy didn't answer right away, he thought about Connor and what had happened to the man, it seemed that Rebecca still didn't know about the incident, but Mike knew that this was a sensitive subject and he didn't want to talk about it in front of his friend.
 "I think she wasn't feeling very well…"
 Rebecca nodded with a small smile.
 "I see, I think her boyfriend really surprised her, didn't he?"
 Mike flashed a fake smile and nodded.
 "Yeah, I think so."
 Rebecca tossed a lock of hair back and said.
 "Well, boys, let's leave the gossip aside… What are you going to order?"
 The two placed their orders and Rebecca walked away.
 Michael was a little thoughtful, what could have happened?  He thought.  Of course, the boy knew that (Y/n) was still very shaken by Connor's death, but she would have warned her co-workers.  His thoughts wandered to her father, had William done something?  The boy had noticed the cold way that (Y/n) treated her father during breakfast.  Had they quarreled?  Did he hurt you?  The boy's mind was working fast and worries were growing, (Y/n) was the only person who seemed to care about him and Mike didn't want to lose her like he lost his mother.  Had he done the right thing in forgiving his father?  William hadn't looked for him for over a year and suddenly he started wanting to get close to the boy, that was strange for Mike.
 Ethan then commented.
 "That waitress is a little crazy."
 Mike didn't even pay attention to his friend's comment and Ethan called him out.
 "Mike?" He waved a hand in front of the teenager's face."Mike?"
 "Did you hear what I said?"
 "Yes, yes" he lied "The math test was really hard."
 Ethan slapped his head with the heel of his hand in disbelief.
 "What?  Are you okay, dude?  I didn't say any of that…" He sighed "You know what?  Forget it."
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
 After they had lunch, Ethan went to his house and Mike continued walking to (Y/n)'s apartment.
 When opening the door of the small apartment, the boy came across (Y / n), who was sleeping soundly on the couch, the girl was wearing her work uniform.  Mike walked over to her and poked her in the arm.
 "(Y/n)?  (Your nickname)?"
 The young woman slowly opened her eyes and at the sight of Mike she jumped off the couch.
 "I'm going to be late for work."
 "No, (Y/n).  You've already lost it…" She turned her gaze to the teenager in disbelief, Michael then filled her with questions "What happened?  Were you not well?  Did my father do something?  Or are you bad because of Connor?"
 (Y/n) went back to the couch, she let out a sigh, the scene with the children's souls was clear in her mind, but she couldn't tell Mike that, the boy would surely think she was crazy, so (Y/N)  replied.
 "I still haven't recovered from Connor's death, Mike... And your dad, well, he's being insistent, he seems to want to get back in a relationship with me... I think all of this messed with me...   I sat here to think about everything and I ended up falling asleep." She sighed again.
 "I think I'm a little stressed, but I'll be fine."
 Michael sat next to his friend and said.
 "Hey, (Y/n), you can count on me. " The boy paused "You can let me take care of dinner tonight, you can rest, okay?" He smiled.

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