Chapter 40- He's back

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~(Y/n)'s pov

I kept staring at the photo and trying to remember who that man was, I started to remember some moments with him. My memories appeared as small fragments that gradually joined together. I was sure that we lived together and I also remembered living with three children; two boys and a girl. Were they my children? Did I have children with that man? Were we married? I left the photo on the bed for a brief moment and looked at my left hand, there was no ring and not even the mark that a piece of jewelry could have left.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car that seemed to have parked in front of the house. I got out of bed with great difficulty, still feeling a lot of pain and looked out the window, then I saw a purple car from which a little girl with reddish blond hair came out, right behind her a man came out. It was him!

I followed him with my gaze, and then he looked at me for a brief moment. There was something strange in his expression, he looked like he was surprised and annoyed at the same time. The man then looked at the little girl again and then they entered the house.

I could hear their footsteps downstairs, then they approached, they had gone up the stairs, that's when I heard his voice saying.

"Lizzie, go play in your room, I still need to solve some things from work."

I heard more footsteps, the first ones were agitated and moving away and others, heavier, that came towards the room. The door opened slowly and that man appeared. He was staring at me seriously, but soon a smile appeared on his face.

"(Y/n)! I see you woke up." He took a step towards me.

"Yes..."(Y/n)? That was my name, I remembered that, so I asked "But what happened? I don't remember much..."

The man came closer and placed a hand on my face in a loving way. I shivered at his touch, but then I relaxed and placed my hand over his.

"You had an accident, nothing too serious, but you hit your head."

I nodded and looked into his blue eyes and muttered.

"What is your name?"

He frowned, he didn't seem to believe it. The man was silent for a few moments, which made me a little anxious. I wanted to know his name. After all, I remembered our relationship, so I broke the silence.

"I know you're my husband, but I don't remember your name..." I looked down, embarrassed, he then put a finger on my chin, forcing me to look at him. His expression had changed, it was softer.

"Shhh, it's okay, my name is William."

"William..." I repeated, I couldn't forget that name again. It was then that I threw myself into his arms without a second thought. He was there with me, I didn't have to worry about anything else.

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