Chapter 11- Appointments

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William's pov

I hung up the phone with a victorious little smile, (Y/n) was starting to give way. I walked to Elizabeth's room, my daughter was still sleeping, so I walked over to her and nudged her.

"Lizzie, wake up."

The little girl slowly opened her eyes and said.


"Yes, it's me" I smiled at Elizabeth "And I have good news."

"Really?" She rubbed her eyes still sleepily.

"Yes, this afternoon we're going for a walk, but I want you to get ready now, because I have some to sort out this morning and you're going with me, okay?"

My daughter nodded and I continued.

"And your breakfast is already on the table. I prepared something special for you."

Elizabeth jumped out of bed excitedly.

"Wow! Special breakfast!"

"Hey! Wait a minute!" I said and the child turned to me "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Elizabeth stood for a brief moment, thoughtful, then came to me and hugged me.

"Was that it, daddy?"

I smiled at her and shook my head.

"Not exactly, but I liked the hug."

She stared at me for a moment, not letting go of me, and asked.

"What am I forgetting then?"

"To take off your pajamas, or do you want to go out like this?"

The girl looked at her pale pink teddy bear-patterned pajamas and then at me with an embarrassed look.

"You're right, Daddy..."

"Change your clothes, I'll be waiting in the kitchen, okay?"

She nodded and I left the room.

A few minutes later, Elizabeth walked into the kitchen, wearing a pink shirt, and blue shorts along with sneakers, she held a red bow in her hand.

"Daddy, I can't put this bow in my hair..."

"Come here, I'll help you."

As I tried to put the ornament on my daughter's blonde hair, she asked.

"Daddy, can I use the makeup that was from Mommy?"

"Lizzie, we've already talked about this, you're too young for these things"

The girl pouted and I changed the subject

"Now let's have breakfast, I made you some waffles."

The sullen expression left the girl's face, giving way to a huge smile.

"I love waffles!"

"I know that, Lizzie."I smiled back.

She took her place at the table and took bites of her food.


Some time later, we arrived at the cemetery. I wanted to visit Henry's grave, I hadn't done that yet.

Noticing where we were, Elizabeth asked.

"We came to see Mommy and Chris?"

I looked at her in the rearview mirror and replied.

"Well no. But we can visit their graves too."

"I want to leave mommy a flower... I miss her... Actually, I miss them both, but I don't know if Chris will like a flower...They made him to sneeze"

"Of course he'll like it, let's put flowers for both of them, okay?"

She nodded, already getting out of the car. I followed her to a nearby flower shop, where we picked some flowers, then headed to the cemetery.

First we went to the headstone where Clara and Chris were, Elizabeth walked over and left the flowers she was carrying on the stone.

"Hi, mommy. I brought this for you and Chris too..." The girl approached me again and said.


I shook my head in affirmation and spoke.

"Elizabeth, you can go to the car, I'll find you, okay?"

"It's okay, Daddy."

As my daughter walked away, I pulled my old wedding band out of my pocket.

"I don't need this anymore..." I muttered, leaving the jewel there.

I continued walking to Henry's headstone. Upon arriving, I noticed that a woman was also there, she was kneeling and seemed to whisper something. I forced a cough and the woman jumped up and turned her gaze towards me somewhat startled, but then said.


I stared at her for a moment, trying to remember where we knew each other, and she said right away.

"Amanda? What are you doing here?"

"I heard about Hen's death, so I decided to come here..." She sighed.

"I think we're in the same situation..." She stared at me in silence and we stayed that way for some time.

Amanda was Henry's wife, but he had abandoned her after Charlie's death, the couple still had one more child, named Sammy, but my old partner seemed to have totally forgotten about the boy's existence.

It had been a long time since I saw her and Amanda was different, or at least that was the impression I got after all those years.

"Time flies, doesn't it?" I let go, trying to break the silence that had settled between us.

She nodded without taking her eyes off Henry's headstone. I dropped the remaining flowers in my hand and spoke.

"I need to go, I have some appointments, see you later, Amanda"

"See you, William."

I went back to my car and Elizabeth was there playing with her doll.

"I'm hungry, Daddy."

"In that case, I think we can have lunch now."

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