Chapter 103-I need to talk to you...

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(Y/n)'s pov

It was after midnight and William still hadn't come home, I was waiting for him in our room, Violet and Vincent had fallen asleep next to me. They said they would stay awake until William arrived, but tiredness after a playful day won them over.

I put a blanket over them both and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and wait for my husband. As soon as I took the glass out of the cabinet, I heard a noise on the table, when I turned towards the sound, I saw Elizabeth who was sitting in the place she always used to sit during meals. She looked at me and said with a sweet smile.

"Hi mommy."

I grinned at the little girl, it had been a long time since I'd had a ghost visit, and seeing William's daughter made me feel good at that moment.

"Hi, Lizzie."

The girl let out a childish laugh.

"Mommy, I scared Dad, it was funny."

"What do you mean, Lizzie?" I frowned.

"He saw me at the pizzeria and got scared. I actually imitated a scary ghost" She laughed again. "It was Charlie's idea and even Uncle Henry thought it would be funny."

I shook my head from side to side, fighting back a laugh. I missed Elizabeth's jokes, at that moment I heard the door opening quickly and the little girl disappeared into thin air.

I looked towards the hallway and came face to face with William who looked at me with a strange expression, he looked scared.

"Will? Did something happen?"

He entered the kitchen, forcing me back into the room.

"(Y/n), I need to talk to you." His gaze was distant and serious at the same time.

I took my seat at the table and William sat opposite me.

"(Y/n), you know I suffer from insomnia, but do you know why?"

I shook my head and the man continued.

"Children's souls give me nightmares every night... I have no peace... Only with those medicines I can have a peaceful sleep." I looked at him, attentively, I didn't know where he was going with that. "But from time to time here these souls have appeared to me even when I am awake... This happened in our marriage, including. And today too... While I was trying to find a solution so that we don't have to close the pizzeria, I heard a child's laughter in the hallway. I thought that some child had been forgotten, so I went down the hall and there I found Elizabeth, my little princess was there" her eyes filled with tears, William was still grieving a lot for his daughter's death. "I took her in my arms, I still don't know how that was possible, but I hugged her. Suddenly other ghosts appeared... Henry, Clara, Chris, the kids, Bryan... and even Connor... They all had a scary appearance, there was a black liquid coming out of their eyes and mouths... Even Elizabeth. (Y/n), my Elizabeth became one of them" William looked troubled, he spoke slowly, looked from side to side almost paranoid "They want me...(Y/n), they're after me, they want to kill me."

I took his shaking hand and said, trying to calm him down.

"Stay calm, Will. It's going to be okay, you're safe here... I'll make you some tea, okay? Or do you want to go lie down for a while?"

"No" He refused with a wave " No, I don't want any of that... I want to get rid of those ghosts." The man had hatred in his eyes "We're going to destroy them, one by one."

I arched an eyebrow, not understanding anything, William seemed to be crazy, nothing he said seemed to make sense.

"How?" I questioned, trying not to upset him.

"The animatronics, (Y/n). The souls are trapped in the robots... they have been there since that day and the other souls follow them. We just need to destroy the robots. It will be easy and fast, then we close the pizzeria and we will be free of all this, we can even set that building on fire."

I just nodded slowly, not knowing what to say. It was clear, he was not well.

At that moment I heard a childish voice that said in a sleepy tone.

"Daddy, Mommy?" It was Vincent, the little boy had woken up and was standing at the kitchen door, rubbing his blue eyes with one hand and holding his stuffed rabbit by the ears with the other.

I went to the little boy and took him in my arms.

"What happened, Vinny?"

" I heard daddy's voice... I missed him..." Vincent looked at William "I'm afraid of losing you, daddy"

The man then stood up and walked towards us, taking the boy in his arms.

"Vinny, my little bunny, I'm here... Daddy worked late, but I'm already here. No need to be afraid, remember what I promised you."

Vincent nodded.

"Yes, you promised you would always come back."

William smiled.

"Yeah, I always come back." He poked his son's nose "Now let's go to sleep, Vinny."

The killer took Vincent to his room and laid him on the bed, handed him the plush rabbit and placed a blanket over the little boy. William still waited until his son fell asleep before taking Violet into the room. The girl slept soundly and didn't even grunt as she was carried from room to room.

After that we went to our room and William said decisively.

"We can go now."

"What are you talking about, Will?"

"From the pizzeria, we need to go there to destroy those robots."

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