Chapter 57- A killer on the bathroom

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(Y/n)'s pov

I stayed there, lying on William's chest for some time. The man continued to caress my hair carefully, but remained silent, just looking at me with his blue eyes.

Sometimes I felt the man's fingers run down my arm with a certain force, it seemed that he needed to possess me, as if I were a mere object. That situation was horrible and I couldn't relax in the presence of the killer. My body was shaking and I wanted to run away from there, straight to my parents' house. They had no idea what I was going through in those weeks, I was sure that if they knew the truth about William, they would help me in the best way possible, but at the same time I was afraid of how they would react if they knew that I had become pregnant from the criminal. ... It was all very complicated and I couldn't run away from my problems as I was used to.

My thoughts were interrupted by William's voice.

"You need to relax, my little bunny... I think I have an idea. How about a hot bath?"

I lifted my face and looked at him without knowing what to answer, the man smiled and said already leaving the bed.

"Come, let's take a shower together, this will be good, we can get closer to each other and you will trust me again."

He walked into the bathroom and I could hear the water start to fall, splashing against the bottom of the tub. William was still in the room for a while, I figured the man was regulating the temperature of the liquid. A few minutes later he came back to the room, wearing only his underwear, I couldn't help but look at the garment that allowed me to see its volume.

He reached for me with a smile.

"Come on, my little bunny."

I hesitated for a moment, but then gave in and followed him into the bathroom.

William had prepared the bathtub for me, there was a lot of foam and the whole room was filled with a warm, cozy steam. He guided me closer to the water and said.

"Let me help you with that" Quickly, the man helped me take off the shirt he'd lent me earlier. I couldn't help but notice that William stared at my body for a moment, but then he pulled himself together, leading me by the hand to the bathtub.

I let my body sink into the water, and closed my eyes with a sigh. William was right, that was relaxing.

At that moment the assassin cleared his throat, causing me to open my eyes.

"Can I get in the water?" He asked softly, it was almost as if he begged for my permission. I didn't nod, but I didn't deny it either, so the man took off the only piece of clothing he was wearing and walked towards me, stepping into the water so that we were facing each other, he was tall and had to bend his knees to fit in the tub.

William smiled at me and started humming, never taking his eyes off me.

"I'm the purple guy, come and see the show tonight. Turn the spotlight onto me. My body is ready now begin! Now the purple rise..." He looked happy in a frightening way to me and that had been happening ever since we met again. The man was singing and smiling idly and there was a gleam in his eyes that he had never seen before. Was William really in love? No... I couldn't forget that he was still a criminal; A killer who was with me in the bathroom at that very moment.

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