Chapter 16- I need your help

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~William's pov

I arrived at my house thinking about (Y/n). I could say I was happy. I noticed how the girl had been stirred up by our date, I was sure she missed me.

That afternoon we had exchanged several kisses and caresses, so it would only be a matter of time before she sought me out again.

I took Elizabeth out of the car and took her to her room, as soon as I put her to bed, the little girl opened her eyes and said in a sleepy voice.


"Yes, Lizzie?"

She yawned.

"Do you still like (Y/n)?"

I nodded

"Yes, I like her a lot, but why the question?"

She sat up in bed.

"I saw you two kissing in the park..."

It took me a while to finally speak

"Yes, we really did it."

"I thought you two had a fight..."

I shook my head.

"Yeah, that happened... But adults fight sometimes, now everything is okay."

"So are you going to marry her, Daddy?"

I let out a laugh.

"I would like it very much, Lizzie, but it's a little more complicated than it sounds..."

"Why is it complicated?"

"Let's say (Y/n) is still a little confused..." I paused for a moment. "And now I need your help"

"My help?"

"Yes, my Lizzie. I noticed that you don't like (Y/n)"

Elizabeth grabbed a stuffed animal, a little awkwardly.

"She wanted to be my mother...I didn't want that."

"Lizzie, this is not a bad thing. Of course she won't replace Clara, but (Y/n) She never treated you badly, did she?"

The girl shook her head.

"She was always good to me..."

I smiled at my daughter.

"Do you see? (Y/n) deserves to be treated well too, that's what I'm asking. Elizabeth, you are a very sweet girl and can help me get close to (Y/n) again."

She looked away for a moment, thoughtful, then answered.

"Ok, daddy"

I hugged her.

"What do you think of a cup full of hot chocolate?"

"With plenty of marshmallows?"


"I want it."

I tickled Elizabeth's stomach and she let out a loud laugh.

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