Chapter 44-Goodbye

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(Y/n)'s pov

Some time passed, but I couldn't say how much. As I lay in William's bed, the scent of the man present on the blanket brought back even more memories, but these were good; the moments alone we spent there, the nights we spent awake, exchanging caresses. The truth was, I missed that side of William. I didn't want to spend my life next to a murderer, I wanted to spend my life next to that man I'd met at Freddy's, who was funny, sweet, regardful and caring. At that moment, I wish I could go back in time and spend all those moments again...

Deep down I still liked William, but I refused to stay with him because of the murders the man had committed, I was afraid he would try something against me. Love and fear seemed to constantly fight inside me. It was a confusing but very strong feeling.

At that moment I felt a new wave of nausea wash over me, so I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"William! William!"

The man reached the room within seconds.

"What happened, my little bunny?"

"I'm not feeling well..." The nausea got stronger and I let out a forced cough.

"What are you feeling?"

As soon as I recovered I replied.

"I have a headache and I'm nauseous..."

William came over and caressed my face.

"Don't worry, I'll give you some medicines"


He nodded.

"Yes, but don't worry, they are the sleeping pills I use when I have insomnia." He paused. "You need to rest and these pills will help you."

William opened a drawer of the small dresser next to the bed and took out a bottle full of pills, he carefully set one of them apart and gave it to me.

"Wait a second, I'll get you a glass of water." The man left the room.

I stared at the medicine resting in the palm of my hand and thought, "What if he tries something while I'm sleeping?" I would have to risk it, I couldn't stand that headache mixed with that strong nausea.

William entered the room again with a glass of water in his hand, he helped me sit on the bed, handed me the glass.

"It's here, my little bunny."

I put the pill in my mouth with some trepidation and drank a good amount of water, making the medicine go down my throat.

William lay down beside me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

The man smiled kindly.

"I'll stay here with you until you feel better."

I nodded in agreement. William put a blanket over us and I let him snuggle up next to me.

We stood with our faces turned towards each other, William caressing my body softly as he whispered affectionate words in my ear. So I started to feel my thoughts getting slower, his words didn't seem to make any more sense, my body relaxed under the man's caresses, my eyelids struggled in vain to stay open, but soon I gave up fighting the tiredness and fell asleep.

Suddenly she was in a very beautiful place, sitting on the grass and looking at the horizon as if waiting for someone. That's when I noticed a man in the distance, he was walking towards me. At first I thought it was William, but as he approached, I realized it was Henry.

Seeing me, Henry ran over and sat down next to me.

"Hello, (Y/n)." He smiled.

"Hi, Hen."

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