Chapter 6- Funeral

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A day had passed since Henry's death. Michael had already contacted Jen by phone, it was a quick call, the boy didn't give many details of where he was and who he was with, he just told the woman not to worry because he was fine and also asked when the funeral would be. Jen told him it would be that afternoon.

(Y/n) then drove with the boy to the cemetery, when they got there there were a lot of people. Of course, Henry was famous in town for being one of the owners of Freddy's, even though the man wasn't as sociable as his former partner, he was still known.

"Henry was a good person..." Said (Y/n) "Look, Mike, Freddy's employees are here" The young woman indicated a group of people in a corner, they were all old acquaintances of hers, after all (Y/n) she had worked at the restaurant, and deep down she missed that time. She waved discreetly to the group who greeted her back.

At that moment the two heard a child's voice that she said.


The teenager turned toward the voice, it was Charlie. The little girl came running towards him and threw herself into his arms.

"Charlie!" He exclaimed as he hugged her, it was almost as if he felt relieved to see the child again.

Soon Jen approached and when she saw (Y/n) with Mike, the woman spoke.

"(Y/n)? Is it really you?"Jen knew the girl had left town, but she didn't know why.

The young woman nodded.

"Yes, it's me."Without hesitating, she hugged Henry's sister "I'm sorry, Jen."

The two held each other for a long moment, it was a delicate moment for both of them, and there were no words that could ease the situation. Henry was an amazing person, and they knew it well. Mainly Jen, she was only a year older than Henry, and watched him grow up, she often helped him with his homework when they were little, Jen followed his entire trajectory with restaurants and also followed Henry's suffering with the incident. of the missing children.

The two finally walked away and the older one said.

"Mike, can you keep an eye on Charlie for a moment? I need to talk to (Y/n) for a moment."

The boy nodded, so the two women moved away from the crowd.

"(Y/n)." Jen was looking at her seriously "What really happened between William and you?"

(Y/n) arched an eyebrow, not understanding the question.

"I need to know what really happened before you left town."

The young woman shivered a little.

"Well, it's complicated... I had a fight with William..."

"Did he hurt you?" Jen continued to stare insistently "Did William hurt you, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) nodded, looking away.

"He tried to kill me..."

"I knew... I always knew... William is unreliable."

"Please Jen, don't tell Mike about this, he's a kid."

"I won't, (Your nickname), don't worry, but promise me you'll take care of Mike, I'll take custody of Charlie and I plan to move to another city with her."

Again the young woman nodded. She knew how difficult it was for Jen to stay in Hurricane.

"I intend to take care of Mike, but at the same time I'm a little afraid of what William might do if he finds out that the boy is living with me... After all, I already met him yesterday when I decided to go out to have a lunch..."

"You mean that Mike's father knows you're here?"

"Yes... He knows..." The girl sighed. He wanted to go out with me to talk, but I feel like I shouldn't.

Jen shook her head.

"Don't even think about going out with this man, be careful, (Y/n), we don't know what he's capable of..."

The burial proceeded normally, Jen and (Y/n) talked a little more until the moment the coffin was taken to the grave. (Y/n) stayed close to Henry's sister, even after the number of people in the place dwindled, they left some flowers on the headstone. Mike and Charlie did the same.

Jen still knelt in the freshly laid earth, touched the cold gravestone and whispered, letting a few more tears flow.

"Hen, my little brother, I love you..."

None of the four noticed the man watching the procession in the distance, leaning against a tree, he looked at the young woman who remained standing beside the gravestone. The man stared at her for a while longer, with a rather mischievous smile on his face, before walking to his dark purple car that was parked nearby.

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