Chapter 7- Thoughts and discoveries

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~William's pov~

I parked my car near the cemetery, I knew that Henry would be buried there, after all his family had a space in that cemetery, I didn't intend to follow the entire funeral and I didn't want to be seen by anyone, I just wanted to observe from afar, see people moving, and there were many. I recognized some employees of Freddy's and some neighbors of Henry, soon I noticed (Y/n) that he was walking accompanied by Mike, the two had arrived together, I smiled to myself. My son could help me get to (Y/n) more easily, but I would save that for the next few days. I had a plan in mind and I would soon have (Y/n) in my arms again.

I got out of my car when I saw the coffin leaving the chapel where the wake had taken place, walked a few yards, careful to keep my distance and not be seen. Keeping my gaze on (Y/n) the entire time, she seemed to be taking care of Michael. Memories of the year before flooded my mind. (Y/n) always treated my children very well, the same way a mother would, I always admired that about her.

After a few minutes, people were leaving little by little, and only four people remained close to the tombstone, I could identify them one by one; my son Michael, (Y/n), Jen, the sister of Henry and Charlie.

I looked at the girl, she was standing beside her aunt, I knew for a fact that Charlie kept her usual cool gaze, of course. She was, in fact, another one of Henry's creations. The most perfect of them, I could say. A robot girl who had replaced her real daughter, such an idea could only have come from my former partner. Henry was always very creative.

I watched as Jen knelt in front of the headstone for a few minutes, but then she got up and so the group left the cemetery. I walked again to my car, got in the vehicle and stayed there until I was sure the four were gone. I waited and as soon as I saw (Y/n) and Jen's car pulling away, I got out.

First I followed my ex-fiancée, just to find out where she was living. I drove for a few blocks and came across the building where (Y/n) lived for a few months. I saw her from afar along with Mike and understood everything. My son was living with her.

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