Chapter 60- Siblings- part 2

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Mike still stared at his father and (Y/n) for some time, in silence. William was smiling and (Y/n) had a guilty look in his eyes.

Mike then asked.

"Does that mean you are together again?"

The older one swallowed hard and looked away, staring at (Y/n). William then cleared his throat and replied.

"Well, Mike. It doesn't matter at all okay? What matters is that these babies will be very loved in this house."

At that moment Elizabeth appeared at the kitchen door, the girl was still wearing her pink pajamas and carrying one of her teddy bears. The little girl rubbed her eyes with one hand and said.

"Daddy..." William looked at her "What are you talking about?"

The man got up and walked over to Elizabeth, taking her in his arms and walking back to her place with the child in his lap.

"Well, Lizzie, I was just telling Mike that you two are getting little siblings."

The girl's green eyes darted straight to (Y/n), Elizabeth arched an eyebrow and said.

"Is (Y/n) pregnant?"

The young woman nodded to the little girl.

"Yes, Lizzie... I am."

"Really?" She disentangled herself from her father's arms and walked to (Y/n) with curiosity, Elizabeth stared at the young woman's belly and said. "I do not see anything..."

The little girl's comment made everyone smile and (Y/n) explained.

"It's still too early to see."

"Will we be able to see it tomorrow?" Elizabeth sat on her lap and snuggled in the arms of her father's girlfriend.

(Y/n) giggled.

"No, it takes a little more time, you know? But soon my belly will grow."

The girl fiddled with her teddy bear's round ears.

"But how will the babies end up in there?"

(Y/n) stared at William who looked back at her, both awkwardly, neither of them knew how to explain that to the girl. Mike was holding back laughter with one hand. The woman then ran her hands through Elizabeth's hair and said.

"Well... Lizzie" She looked again at William and continued without taking her eyes off the man "Your father gave me a seed to eat and now there's a baby here" William frowned, as if he wanted to correct (Y/n) that soon got it "Well... Your dad thinks they're two babies, but we're still not sure."

Elizabeth widened her eyes and shifted, looking at (Y/n).

"Two? Will they look the same?"

the young woman smiled

"I still don't know, Lizzie."

"Can I choose the names?" The little girl asked.

William looked at his daughter surprised by the girl's reaction, he really didn't expect Elizabeth to react so well to knowing she would have little brothers.

"What names did you think of?" Asked her father with a proud smile.

The girl was thoughtful for a brief moment, her green eyes kept fixed on William, she observed the purple shirt that the man was wearing and said.

"How about Violet?"

"Violet?" William arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Dad. You love purple and violets are purple."

The man chuckled.

"You're right, Lizzie."

The little girl smiled, but then turned serious.

"But I still don't know what the other name could be... What if it's a boy? or two boys?"

(Y/n) stroked Elizabeth's hair again and said.

"Don't worry about it, Lizzie. We will have plenty of time to choose and I will definitely ask for your help, I love the name Violet, it's very pretty and delicate."

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