Chapter 86- Wedding-part 2

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(Y/n)'s pov

I was getting ready, Elizabeth and my mother were also with me getting ready for the wedding.

"Mommy..."Said the little girl, approaching me "I can't close my dress..."

"Come here" I made a sign with my hand indicating her approach and so I closed the zipper that was on the back of her outfit, I couldn't deny it, she was very cute in that dress, her hair was full of curls and adorned with small white flowers that matched the embroidery of her bridesmaid dress.

As soon as I finished zipping the dress, the girl twirled around happily.

"I'm looking like a princess, mommy."

I nodded at her with a smile.

" Yes, it is, Lizzie."

At that moment my mother nudged me and questioned.

"Dear, why does she call you that? I mean you are not her mother."

Elizabeth heard my mother's words and pouted, I knew the little girl would have an answer on the tip of her tongue, but before she could say anything, I said.

"Mom, I like Lizzie a lot, she's like a daughter to me and there's also the fact that she lost her mother two years ago... I think no one should go through that"

Elizabeth hugged me, burying her face in my belly, I knew she missed Clara and sometimes the little girl cried because of that, and at that moment she was about to cry, so I held her in my arms and asked my mother.

"Give me a minute." So I walked away a little, taking Elizabeth with me."Are you okay, Lizzie?"


"What happened?"

"I miss my mommy" She tightened her arms around my neck "I love you, (Y/n)... But I miss her too..." She sniffled, trying to push back the tears.

I stroked her back gently.

"I know, it's okay... Don't worry, Lizzie... I'm sure that wherever she is, your mother is watching you and is very proud of you."

The girl rubbed her face and said.

"Do you think it?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it, Lizzie."

"But why don't I see her? I want to see my mommy..."

"It's complicated... But you can be sure she's around and you can call her when you feel lonely, even if you don't see her."

Elizabeth was silent for a moment, thoughtful, and then let go.

" Did she turn into a ghost?"

It took me a few moments to answer it.

"Yes, Lizzie, but Clara is a good one."

"Have you seen her?"

"Well...I dreamed about her." I lied to the child.

"And what she said?"

"She asked me to take care of Mike and you."

Elizabeth's expression changed, the little girl smiled again and asked.

"Can you put me down?"

I nodded and sat her down on a small sofa and spoke.

"Now I'm going to put my dress on."

"I want to see it!- Elizabeth jumped, excited "You will look like a real princess, you even have a tiara."

I smiled at her.

"Do you really think I'll look like a princess?"

"I think so... No" She corrected herself "You will look like a queen, because you will get married.. then you will be a queen and daddy will be the king."

I chuckled.

"That's a very cute way of thinking, Lizzie."

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