Chapter 48- Don't cry, my little bunny

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I woke up, feeling a little dizzy, guessing it was a side effect of the medicine William had given me. My neck also hurt a lot and I soon realized that I was no longer lying on the man's bed.

As soon as I tried to move a little, I couldn't. There was something wrong. I opened my eyes with some fear. I was no longer in William's room.

The place was spacious and somewhat dark, I could see silhouettes that looked like people lined up, once my eyes got used to the dim light, I noticed that they were animatronic parts.

"This is William's workshop..."I muttered "but what am I doing here?"

I tried to move one more time, it was then that I realized my feet and hands were tied with tape.

"Shit..." I whispered, not believing it. I knew William had done it while I slept. I felt a rising anger mixed with fear. What was William planning? Would he kill me? But why didn't he try it while I slept? Those questions took over my mind, making me shiver.

I needed to get out of this place before he came back. I jumped out of the chair and ended up falling to the floor, in a quick movement I used my elbows to protect my face from the impact against the hard floor, I felt that I had hurt myself in the process, the blood soon started to flow in both of them, but I couldn't get distracted by it.

With a lot of effort I managed to get to my feet and I was jumping with difficulty in an attempt to get to the door. I almost lost my balance a few times, but before I could reach it, William appeared in front of me. I stared at him motionless. He in turn stared back at me. He flashed a scary smile, locked the door behind him, and walked over.

"Oh... you got hurt..." I tried to move backwards, but the tape on my leg got in the way and I fell backwards, even with the pain of the impact I tried to crawl away.

William slowly walked over to me and spoke.

"Stay calm and don't be afraid... I'll take care of you, my little bunny" the smile remained on his face, the man seemed to delight in my fear "now we need to clean this wound before it gets infected."

He came a little closer and I spoke.

"Do not touch me! You want to kill me, just like you did those kids! Your killer!" William ignored my words and knelt in front of me and came even closer.

"Help!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Nobody will hear you here." He said almost as if holding back laughter.

The man then extended one of his hands towards me, ready to touch my face.

"(Y/n)... I won't hurt you. I love you, you are safe with me."

In a reflex I used both my feet to push him away. William lost his balance and fell back on the floor, at that moment I could see that his smile faded.

I went back to trying to crawl towards the door, but he was faster and grabbed me tightly. I couldn't fight anymore, I was about to die. Tears of despair started to form in my eyes.

William noticed me crying and hissed as he stroked my back.

"Shh shh, don't cry... I'm here, it's going to be okay, the two of us will be together from now on, no one will hurt you." I could feel William's thin lips brushing my ear as he spoke.

I started to struggle in his arms and the man held me tighter.

"Hey Hey. (Y/n), behave yourself or I'll have to tie you up, I don't want to have to do that and I don't think you want to either."

I stopped moving, just let the tears flow, William stayed there, holding me and rocking me with almost whispered music, as if I were a small child.

I was broken and alone

In that hell I call my home

You always choose to stay

Speed ​​your nights keeping me away

He soon stopped singing and spoke quietly.

"Don't cry, my little bunny, I just want your good."

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