Chapter 17- Dream or nightmare?

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~(Y/n)'s pov

Later that night Mike was asleep and I was in my bed, sleepless, looking up even though I couldn't see anything in the darkness of the room. I thought about everything that had happened that day. William's voice and the sensation left by his kisses didn't leave my mind. No! That was wrong! I couldn't give myself up to the man who killed those kids!

I remembered Jen's words at Henry's funeral. I shouldn't have met William again...

My thoughts continued as a whirlwind of information, which grew, fueled by guilt. I didn't want to go back to William, but there was something about the man that still attracted me. I couldn't deny it, he still messed with my feelings.

Then my mind wandered to Henry, he too had stirred my feelings, if only for a brief period. Henry had always seemed to me to be the complete opposite of William, and in that moment I was sure they really were opposing forces; like good and evil, light and darkness.

Regret grew, I should have enjoyed the time with Henry.

"Henry..." I whispered with a sigh.

I suddenly felt a gentle touch on my face, as if someone was caressing it, the touch sensation was accompanied by a peace, I sighed once more before finally closing my eyes and letting my worried thoughts dissipate.

I dreamed.

I was in a very beautiful field, I was walking through the lawn that seemed to have no end, that's when I saw a building in the distance, it looked like a shed.

I decided to go closer, and after a long walk, I finally reached it. It looked like an abandoned and decaying place, but I decided to go in anyway.

It took me some time to get used to the darkness of the building, but as soon as I started to make out the shapes inside, I could see several tables and chairs huddled in a corner, it looked like that place had been a restaurant in the past.

There was a thick layer of dust on the floor. I continued walking inside that strange shed until I found a wooden stage. I approached the structure and soon noticed the decorations attached to the wall; a sun made of wood with weathered paint and two clouds of the same material.

That place was Freddy's...

I backed off. What was I doing there? I looked back and as if by magic the place came to life again, there were children running and playing, their parents were at the tables talking and laughing. The animatronic band also appeared on stage with those noisy clicks drowned out by the music.

I continued walking, but no one there seemed to notice my presence, the staff were busy pacing and I sometimes had to dodge the waitresses who were hurrying with orders from the tables.

That's when I heard a voice.


I returned my gaze to that voice. It was Henry. I ran to the man.


I jumped into his arms and felt the pizzeria owner hug me tightly. His touch was amazing, I could stay there forever and I was sure I was safe.

Henry pulled back a little with an almost stern look.

"(Y/n), why did you meet William again?" He asked with a cold tone he had never heard before.

I averted my gaze not knowing what to say to him, he continued.

"You know what he did. William ended the joy of many people, including mine. (Y/n), he's a monster... I don't know why I trusted him..."

"Henry... I..."

He waved his hand for me to stop.

"No, (Y/n). You need to listen to me, I want to keep you safe and I want to keep Mike safe too, but you need to stay away from this man, he's worse than the devil himself."

"Henry is right." a female voice said right behind me, it was Clara. The woman was there too, staring at me with those green eyes and a worried expression. She was holding Christopher in her arms, and the little boy in turn holding two white flowers. The boy smiled at me and waved. I returned the gesture.

"Don't go after him again,(Y/n). William made my life hell for years" concluded the woman with a frightened expression.

At that moment everything turned and the pizzeria returned to the darkness of before. I started to hear children's voices in the distance that seemed to be singing a macabre song. The voices grew louder, until I realized there were six children holding hands who twirled around me as they sang.

"He'll come back, he'll always come back, he'll make you cry and he'll kill you."

I couldn't see their faces, but I saw some open wounds on their bodies.

They repeated the verse over and over, and bounced around me, that's when I jumped onto my bed, breathing heavily, their high-pitched voices still seeming to be inside my mind.

"What was this?" I asked myself, still very scared.

I sat up in bed and looked outside, it was still dark, I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

the liquid went down my throat in a in a refreshing way but still not enough to calm me down, my legs were still shaky and my heart was beating fast in my chest. I was very scared that William would try something against me or against Mike.

I looked at the phone hanging on the wall and had an idea, I would call the man and tell him I didn't want to see him again. I took the phone out of support and looked at the numbers, hesitating for a moment. I took a deep breath and dialed William's number.

A few seconds later I heard the voice of the man on the other side, he sounded sleepy.


"Hello, William..."

"(Y/n)? Did something happen?"

I didn't answer and he insisted.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

"William, please don't look for me anymore, okay?"


I didn't let him finish.

"I'm serious, William, don't look for me anymore."

Before he could say anything, I put the phone back in its cradle. I leaned my back against the wall and felt my legs give out until I sat down on the cold kitchen floor. My eyes started to water against my will, I was feeling weak and confused, a great sense of guilt washed over me, I wanted to call the man again and apologize. Why was this happening? Why did I feel this way? I put my head between my legs and cried.

I listened when the phone rang, I knew exactly who was calling, but I didn't have the heart to answer it, I just cried and let the repetitive sound stop.

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