Chapter 39- I had an idea

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~William's pov

As I drove towards my daughter's school, I thought about (Y/n), I needed to find a way to keep her in my house, so she would be mine anyway. It was then that I had an idea that made me smile. I'd leave you stuck in my workshop.

I swerved out of the way to school, I knew I would be late to pick up Elizabeth, but she could wait a little longer. So I drove to a building materials store, there I bought a piece of rope, chains and duct tape, put everything in the trunk and so I went back on my way.

When I arrived at school, I found Elizabeth sitting on a bench, crying, next to her teacher who seemed to calm her down. I walked up to the two, the woman nudged the little girl, who took her hands from her eyes and turned her face to me, she jumped off the bench and ran towards me ready to hug me.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

I took her in my arms and she whispered.

"I thought you had forgotten me here..."

"Of course not, Lizzie... I was just a little busy, I was late, I'm sorry."

The teacher came towards me right behind, she was carrying a disapproving look

"Mr. Afton, your daughter was crying... I don't know if you know, but we have schedules here."

I let out a sigh and spoke impatiently. All I didn't want at that moment was having to deal with a stressed elementary school teacher, after all it wasn't my fault she spent the whole week with twenty kids in a classroom.

"Yes, yes... I know that, but I work and I have a busy schedule."

She pressed her lips together.

"Then you should program yourself better."

"Okay, I'll try my best next time" I said with a certain sarcasm in my voice and turned away, taking my daughter in my arms.

Elizabeth hugged me tightly and said.

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

"Didn't you have lunch?"

She denied with her head

"The food looked like a goo..."

I smiled.

"Well, in that case we can eat something special together."

She returned the smile and spoke excitedly.

"I want to eat a hamburger, daddy."

"Okay, your request is an order."

I put the little girl down and she hopped happily to the car.

So I drove to a nearby diner. Upon entering the place, Elizabeth soon chose a table next to the window, she sat down and I followed her. The girl looked around, this was not the type of cafeteria she was used to, it wasn't colorful, it didn't have pets and not even a playground. Suddenly she pointed to a corner and said.

" Look, daddy. It's (Y/n)!"

I turned my gaze to the direction it was pointing and noticed a mural with a photo of the young woman and just above it was written employee of the month, I smiled at my daughter.

" Yeah, I think she works here."

Elizabeth looked at the table and spoke.

"You can talk to her..."

I looked around.

"No, sweetie. I don't think (Y/n) is here today."

She nodded.

A few minutes later a girl who looked to be the same age as (Y/n) approached us and said.

"Good afternoon. What are you gonna order?"

We chose snacks and waited a few minutes for our food to arrive. Elizabeth began to devour the fries.


"What, daddy?"

"Eat slower, you'll end up with a stomach ache if you keep eating like this."


"It's okay, just eat slower."

She shook her head, biting a potato very slowly and I laughed, the little girl soon burst out laughing too.

As soon as we finished eating, we went home.

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