Chapter 26- Bad news

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William's pov

I left Elizabeth at her grandparents' house for a few days. Clara's parents always kept in touch with my children, even after my ex-wife died, but the elderly couple didn't hide the fact that they didn't like me. They spoke only when necessary and when necessary and usually with a gruff tone.

As soon as I dropped my daughter off at their house, I went to (Y/n)'s apartment, I intended to tell her what had happened with Connor, I knew it wasn't a good idea to show up like this, but at the same time I wanted to see her again and who knows how to help her in the period of mourning.

As I stood in front of the young woman's apartment door, I hesitated for a moment, wondering what her reaction would be when she saw me, I was sure it wouldn't be a very good reaction. I sighed and knocked on the door a few times.

It only took a few seconds for (Y/n) to open the door, looking at me, she let go.

"It was you! You killed him! Was you! I know it was!" (Y/n) cried a lot and tried to hit me while screaming.

I grabbed her wrists and led her back inside.

"Shhh shhh... I didn't do that, okay... It wasn't me."

She was still desperate and said that I had killed him, I looked at the television that was in the living room and saw the news of Connor's death. I made (Y/n) sit on the couch. She looked really shaken.

Shit, I thought looking at the screen of the device. That would be bad for my restaurant's reputation.

At that moment I noticed that Mike was approaching, he was looking at me with a serious expression and he was carrying a cup of what looked like tea.

"What do you want here?" he asked dryly.

"I came to give the sad news about Connor, but I see you already know" I indicated the TV.

Mike set the cup down on a coffee table and walked towards me.

"How can you be like that? I'm ashamed to call you father." I was serious for a moment, I didn't want to fight with my son on that occasion. Michael turned to the young woman who was sobbing on the sofa and said in a calmer tone "Here, (Y/n), I've made you some tea... maybe that will help a little..."

'I know what you're thinking" I said, causing the two of them to glare at me "But I didn't do that... It was an accident, it was his first night at work, I have no idea what could have happened to him. "I took a step forward, towards the sofa and looked at (Y/n) his eyes (eye color) were swollen from crying "Connor seemed like a good guy, I'm sure he was taking good care of you. .."

Mike interrupted me.

"You're a sinic!" I looked at the boy and took another step towards him and hit him in the face with all the strength I could muster at that moment.

"Shut up! You are still my son and you owe me respect!"

(Y/n) jumps off the couch with a scream.

"Mike! Are you okay?"

The boy nodded, covering the part of his face where I had hit him.

"I'm going to my room..." he said trying to hide the pain.

As soon as he walked away, I said.

"I'm sorry for this..."

(Y/n) looked away and sat down on the couch again, the newspaper had already finished and instead there was a soap opera about vampires or something. I sat next to him and talked.

"(Y/n)... Believe me, I didn't do this..."

"So how did he die?" She asked in a low voice without looking at me.

I let out a sigh.

"I don't know... (Y/n), I swear I don't know... The police say it might have been an accident at work, he was very injured..." I looked at the tea on the coffee table and changed the subject "You You should drink this tea while it's still hot..."

She nodded and picked up her cup and took a sip of her drink, I continued.

"I heard about your relationship with Connor" I smiled a little awkwardly "As I said, he was a good guy..."

"You don't have to act like that, William."She said dryly.

"I'm doing this out of respect for you and of course out of respect for Connor's memory."

(Y/n) looked at me with a skeptical look in her eyes.

"I know it's hard to believe, (Y/n)... I hurt you, and you're still hurting, and now you're suffering even more..." I got up from the couch and sighed, not knowing what else to say. "I think it's better I go back to my home..."

Before I could move away from the furniture, I felt (Y/n)'s hand wrapping around my arm.

"Stay..." She whispered.

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