Chapter 53- I'll take care of you

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William's pov

In the middle of the night I decided that I would pay (Y/n) a visit. The girl had only eaten breakfast that day, but because of the nausea she had been feeling, she ended up feeling sick. As I was keeping her in my workshop, it was my responsibility to keep her safe and well.

I prepared a quick meal for her, I also took one of my shirts that could be used by (Y/n) and so I left the house, crossing the backyard towards the small shed that served as my workshop. During the journey I noticed that there was a bluish glow inside the place.

"What is that?" I whispered to myself and continued my walk towards the door. When I opened it I came across, (Y/n) was awake and still tied up with me. I had left her, but next to her were two children, or rather two of my victims; a boy and a girl. I couldn't deny it, the children had a rather frightening appearance, they looked like they had just come out of their graves. Which was a little unsettling even for me. I stared at them for a few moments and realized that (Y/n) was looking at the same spot where those hauntings were. Soon the young woman turned her gaze to me and said.

"William... Don't hurt them."

I looked back at the children who were still there, motionless and with expressions of fear and fear on their faces, the same expressions they had on the night I killed them.

"Don't hurt them." I heard (Y/n)'s voice again.

Without taking my eyes off the ghosts, I questioned her.

"Can you see them?" I noticed the movement that the young woman made with her head, nodding to my question.

"They're protecting me now."

I couldn't help but turn my face to the young woman tied to the table, she was staring at me with an irritated expression.

"Protecting you? Why?" I said arching an eyebrow and leaving the food on a dresser I used to store my tools. "I'm already doing that. You don't need their protection."

At that moment the two souls disappeared, taking with them that bluish glow that accompanied them. This made the workshop go dark again, so I turned on the lights and spoke.

"I brought food, my little bunny."

(Y/n) frowned.

"Is it poisoned by any chance?"

I suppressed a laugh and countered the question.

"Why would be?"

"Because you want to kill me."

Without saying anything, I walked over to the young woman who was still naked, looked at her naked body, but tried to push away any perverted thoughts.

"(Y/n), I'll release your wrists so you can sit down and eat, but if you do anything funny, you'll regret it bitterly."

She nodded and I untied the knots that held her and helped her to sit up, handed her my shirt and said.

"Let's wear this, okay? The dawn is cold and I don't want you to get sick."

"Why did you decide to take care of me so suddenly?"

I helped her get dressed.

"I've been taking care of you since the death of that idiot boyfriend of yours."

"Don't talk about Connor like that... He was a good person, unlike you!" She spat.

At that moment I grabbed the young woman's face and pressed her cheeks, placing my face very close to hers.

"Shhh. I already told you to behave."

(Y/n) flinched and I continued.

"Now let's eat."

I walked over to get the plate and then went back to (Y/n). I took a bite of the noodles and ate.

"Do you see? it's not poisoned, I can assure you."

I took a second bite and brought it to (Y/n)'s mouth, but the young woman refused to eat.

"I do n't want it..."

"You need to eat something."

She sighed, looked away for a moment, but then looked at me and exclaimed.

"William, I'm pregnant! This food smells awful!"

At that moment I was speechless at the revelation of the girl who even dropped her fork on the floor.

"What do you mean by pregnant?"

She nodded.

"Yes. This is what happens when two people do what we did!"

I shook my head.

"I know what happens... But I didn't expect it... Not like this... I mean... I will be a father, you will be a mother. That's great, my little bunny, we'll be a perfect family...When did you find this out? And why didn't you tell me?"

(Y/n) looked away once more and didn't answer me. The young woman then began to cry. I realized that she didn't want to talk about it, so I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Everything is okay..."In that moment I decided that I would do something for her.

So I untied her feet and spoke.

"Come on, (Y/n)... I'll take care of you."

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