Chapter 43- I'm capable of anything for you

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(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up to the sound of water falling, I imagined William was taking a shower, my mind was still confused and my head was throbbing.

It was then that I saw a man in a corner of the room. He was shorter than William, his hair was brown as well as his eyes that looked at me in a sweet way.

"(Y/n)..".He murmured. " Be aware about William...I'll stay around, but not for long... I can't do anything else... You chose your path."

Before I could say anything, he disappeared in the air like smoke, soon two children appeared in his place, they had a scary appearance, one of them was a little girl with long black hair who looked at me smiling and the other was a boy with his freckled face looked a little shy and his expression was serious. I shuddered as I noticed a multitude of open, bloody wounds on their little bodies.

"What happened to you?" I said it softly.

The girl replied grimly.

"He killed us. He killed us. Five of us. One by one. He set a trap and killed us."

I didn't have time to say anything, the two children launched themselves at me at once, I cringed, already expecting the impact that never happened. Instead I felt a strong nausea without explanation, I started to breathe more slowly in an attempt to calm down and maybe make that nausea go away.

At that moment more memories surfaced, I began to remember how everything had happened until then. My first boyfriend had been Bryan, a guy who had become jealous and violent, he hit me a few times, so I decided to run away from him, went back to Hurricane, where I met William and his kids. The man had offered me a job at his pizzeria, that's how I met Henry, his partner. Many things happened in that period, William got divorced and started a relationship with me. We actually lived together and were very happy, we even got engaged, but then he tried to kill me...

I had to run away again...But I had to go back to Hurricane one more time, because of my family. Suddenly Henry's funeral appeared in my mind and soon gave way to the image of Mike, he was living with me. I remembered all this, but I couldn't remember how I had arrived at William's house.

I shook my head, trying to get those racing thoughts away, there was no point in trying to remember what had happened, I had to find a way to get out of that house and fast.

But how?

My memories came back at once like a whirlwind, at the same time my stomach felt like twisting inside me, I felt like I was about to throw up.

At that moment William came out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, I stared at him as he dressed. Soon the man noticed that I was looking insistently.

"Good morning, my little bunny" He said running his hands through his still wet hair "Did something happen? Are you okay? You look pale, you look scared."

I answered quietly

"I don't feel good..." I didn't want to reveal that my memories had come back, William could try something against me. "I'm sick from my stomach, I think..."

He came over, sitting next to me. William put a hand on my face and caressed it gently, then ran his hand up to my forehead and touched it. I screwed up my face at the twinge of pain from the man's fingers.

"I think you're like this because of the accident you suffered... you did hit your head hard, but don't worry, I'll take care of you, rest, you'll be fine soon. Try to get some more sleep, my little bunny." His voice was calm and soft as usual, but I couldn't feel safe next to that man, he had no qualms, he had killed several people and he didn't seem to regret it. I didn't want to be next, so I had to be smart, I'd have to play your macabre game until I found a loophole to get out of that house. I couldn't get it out of my mind that Mike could be in danger.

William thumped the pillows, the sound of the thumps snapping me out of my thoughts. The man then helped me to lie down again.

"I'll be home all day today, so if you need anything just call me, okay? He said, running his hand through my hair.

I nodded my head and whispered

"Thank you, William."

He cracked a smile.

"No, you don't need to thank me, my little bunny, I'm capable of anything for you."

The man leaned forward and kissed my lips, it was a quick kiss, but it was enough to make me sickened by the gesture.

"Now I need to do some work... I have some projects in mind"

I shook my head once more. William got up and walked away leaving the room.

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