Chapter 88- Wedding- part 4

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William's pov

I walked down the aisle, thoughtful, I felt a pang of anxiety taking over me, I had waited so long for that day and it was finally happening. From that day on I would have (Y/n) all to myself and finally I would have a decent family and be happy, unlike when I married Clara. My ex wife made me live in hell for over twenty years and at that moment I was sure she was in hell with the Devil.

As I climbed the small wooden platform that served as an altar, I turned to the guests with a smile, I was waiting for (Y/n), but that's when I saw, in a corner, almost leaning against one of the columns, was Clara, she he held Christopher in her arms and they both stared at me blankly.

I looked at them for a moment, so I saw three other spirits, who appeared beside Clara and my son. They were my victims: Susie, Gabriel and Jeremy.

I kept staring at that group of ghosts, soon others were emerging and taking their places, one next to the other. Henry and Charlie also joined the spirits and finally two other ghosts emerged, one was my former employee, Connor and the other was a burly young man, with pale skin and spiky blond hair, it was Bryan, (Y/n)'s first boyfriend. . I had killed him two years ago to keep my (Y/n) safe.

All the ghosts were still there, staring at me, until their eyes became completely black and they opened their mouths in a frightening way, at that moment a kind of dark liquid started to leak from their eyes and mouths and so they disappeared into the air. I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine.

For a moment, I kept my gaze fixed on the spot where the souls were seconds before, until the musicians started the wedding march, indicating that (Y/n) was coming.

A beautiful carriage powered by four horses approached across the field carrying my bride and just like that I shifted my gaze towards the aisle where she would come with my daughter.

The carriage stopped right at the beginning of the corridor and (Y/n) got out and helped Elizabeth. She was beautiful. Her (hair color) hair was carefully curled and she wore a tiara full of transparent stones that sparkled in the sunlight creating a rainbow-colored effect, the object holding the veil that covered her face. Her white dress made her look like an angel, or a goddess, as the fabric also reflected the sun's rays, and gave the impression that she had descended from the heavens.

In her hands the young woman carried a bouquet of white and purple flowers that matched all the decor we had chosen.

I opened a huge smile when I saw that (Y/n) slowly approached. Right behind her was Elizabeth holding a pillow with our wedding rings.

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