Chapter 62- Work day

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William's pov

The alarm clock rang, and I stretched out my arm lazily, pulling out of the covers. I felt that (Y/n) rolled over in bed and grumbled in her sleep, maybe because of my sudden movement or because of the repetitive "beep" that resounded through the room.

I pressed the button on the clock radio, causing that annoying noise to stop, and left my bed with that typical Monday laziness. I walked to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror, the beard hairs were already starting to appear on my face, the dark circles around my eyes were still deep as usual, the marks on my face and some gray hair that appeared in the midst of my brown hair made me look much older. I was only forty-eight, on the cusp of turning forty-nine, but anyone who looked at me would think I was almost sixty.

I sighed deeply and looked back to the room, (Y/n) was in bed, sleeping peacefully, I might be old, but I was rebuilding a family, it made me happy.

I washed my face, shaved and dressed for another day of work at my pizzeria, before leaving the room, I caressed (Y/n)'s face and kissed her lips softly, which made her open her eyes for a brief moment.


"Good morning, my little bunny, I'm going to Baby's, I'll be back in the afternoon, okay?"

The young woman nodded, turned to the other side and went back to sleep, so I left the room towards the kitchen where I prepared some coffee for myself and left towards my pizzeria.

Back in my office, I got a call from the police saying that Connor's case would be considered a cold case, there was no trace of what had happened to the boy, as soon as I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but smile. It was time to improve my robots so they could get some kids...

I took Baby's project from my drawer and watched it, studying every part of my own creation; she was already perfect, there was nothing to change about the clown girl and she would soon make a victim.

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