Chapter 50- I can taste your fear

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~(Y/n)'s pov

I bit back a cry of panic and pain as William began to run the cold blade across my wrist. I watched every movement of the object against my skin, William was putting his initials on me! I tried to pull my arm so the man would stop, but William was holding him tight.

"Don't move, I'm almost done".He spoke with a frightening calm, almost humming.

I squinted my eyes trying to push back the tears, but they flowed uncontrollably. At that moment William removed the knife from my arm, the man kissed my wrist, exactly where the cuts were and then, with bloodstained lips, he kissed my forehead for a long time. I cringed at his gesture, I could feel the heat of my blood running through the man's thin, pale lips and down my nose mixing with my cries.

After long moments, William pulled away from my face, his lips remained smeared with blood and carried with a scary smile, but that was still somehow sweet, that was the same smile that made me fall in love with the man in the past.

"Now you will be mine," he pronounced, keeping his voice low.

William ran his hands down my body slowly as he walked to the other end of the table. Even over my clothes, his touch made me shiver, I couldn't tell if it was fear or excitement.

"William...What are you doing?" My voice struggled to get out.

The man stared at me, his deep blue eyes gleaming with pleasure.

"Now I'll teach you to be a good bunny." William kept his smile.

With the knife, he removed the tape that held my ankles together. At that moment I wanted to kick him, my feet were towards his face, but I hesitated. I was afraid William would try to kill me if I defended myself. So I just let him complete his plan.

The killer then started fiddling with his belt buckle and I understood what was coming. I stared at him as William took off his pants. He let the pieces of clothing fall to the floor and grabbed my legs, pulling them apart against my will.

"Now behave, my little bunny."

Before I could say anything, the man lowered his face and started to place kisses on my vagina, when I realized he was licking it. I couldn't lie, it felt good, but I was terrified at the same time, so I kept my body still, trying to fight that forbidden pleasure.

William continued to lick me for long minutes, I didn't show any resistance, which only made him continue, faster and with more desire, and at that moment I let out a muffled moan.

The man lifted his gaze, looking straight at me, but not stopping what he was doing. He continued to stare at me for a few moments and I could see the lust that inhabited his eyes.

It was then that the criminal stopped, lifted his head with a victorious smile and placed himself on top of me, again using his weight to hold me down.

"The rabbit is ready to go into the den." He whispered in my ear, before forcing his member into me forcefully.

I let out another groan that made the man break out into a huge smile. William then began to move, movements that became faster and faster, I could no longer contain the moans, no matter how hard he tried, they just came out of my mouth involuntarily.

William continued to move more and more, he held me tightly, and groped my body as his cock moved in and out of me. Sometimes my back bumped against the cold metal table.

"I want to hear you moan my name, my little bunny." William said in ecstasy.

I held back for a moment, but the man didn't stop, his movements were continuous and almost savage.

That's when I felt it! My body felt completely numb with pleasure and then I screamed.

"William! Will!"

The assassin's face relaxed and something warm oozed into me, I knew very well what was it.

"Very well... very well, my little bunny" he whispered in my ear. "That's what I wanted."

So the businessman started kissing and sucking my neck, there was desire in his gestures.

"Why did you abandon me?" He questioned.

I stared at the white ceiling as he remained with his face buried in me.

"William... You tried to kill me... I'm afraid of you..."

The man let out a loud laugh and nodded.

"I know, I can taste your fear and it makes me even more in love"

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